Tower of Fantasy Open-World RPG Gets Global Release in 2022; CBT Coming Soon


Level Infinite announced that it will be releasing the popular Chinese open-world RPG Tower of Fantasy worldwide for PC and mobile in 2022. A closed beta test now opens for sign-up until March 29 on the official website, but it is only available in the United States, Canada, Japan, United Kingdom, and Germany.

The game features open-world gameplay with a fast-paced combat system, allowing players to create a personalized fighting style by changing weapons and gameplay on the fly. Unique non-playable characters populate the vast world, which can be explored both solo or with a group of friends online.

Tower of Fantasy PV

Tower of Fantasy Key Features

Tower of Fantasy is set hundreds of years into the future on a distant planet called Aida, where humanity has just migrated to after Earth’s resources were depleted. This new planet suffered its own calamity thanks in part to a mysterious substance called Omnium, and the game begins in the post-apocalypse following that event.

Players will be able to explore the vast alien world full of beautiful open vistas and imposing futuristic structures. All the characters in Tower of Fantasy wield different unique weapons that grant different gameplay styles as you explore their compelling backstories.

Tower of Fantasy Open-World RPG Gets Global Release in 2022; CBT Coming Soon
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Players can also form party with friends online and take on new adventures in the shared open world. Unlock you own fighting style and engage in epic battles against enemies of all shapes and sizes as you switch weapons and gameplay styles.

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