Tree of Savior M is Accepting Applications for a 2nd Closed Beta!


For those that never got in the first time, you’re in luck. IMC Game’s Tree of Savior M has opened the application for its second closed beta, but unfortunately, it is only available only in South Korea. The game’s second test will be an improved version of the first test and says to bring with it better graphics for a better experience.

The beta is set to run from May 31, until June 6. They haven’t stated the date for when they will stop receiving applications, but likely the sooner, the better.

Tree of Savior M Screenshots

Tree of Savior
Tree Of Saviors M 2nd beta 004
Tree Of Saviors M 2nd beta 005
Tree Of Saviors M 2nd beta 007

Applications to the game’s beta can be done through their Naver Game Lounge, or their official Google Forms.

Tree of Savior M Gameplay Video

About Tree of Saviors

Tree of Saviors M is a mobile version of the free-to-play PC MMO of the same name. The game is known by fans as a spiritual successor to the classic MMO Ragnarok Online, with the same composers being involved in both games’ development. Players can freely move their character from a top-down perspective, engaging in real-time combat with enemies and players.

The game’s defining feature is its class system. With 5 base classes to choose from and over 70 sub classes, players can freely customize their character to their preferred playstyle.

The game also featured several PVP modes, and co-operative game modes, including the increasingly difficult challenge mode, and Uphill Defense missions.

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h5UKoYsSv4cK Dyqy uDWEB5bnGsJkchL 7orGqyFdB1l vCCIXmiRbzYM2OPM9TXoA Tree of Savior M | Korean IMC Games Rate: 4.2 Install
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