Fire Force: Enbu no Sho New PV Previews Theme Song by Mrs. GREEN APPLE


Mobcast Games and extra mile, a subsidiary of Mobcast Holdings revealed a new promotional video for Fire Force: Enbu no Sho, an upcoming mobile game based on the popular Fire Force series. The PV also previews the game’s theme song “Endless” (延々) performed by Mrs. GREEN APPLE.

Fire Force: Enbu no Sho New PV Previews Theme Song by Mrs. GREEN APPLE

Fire Force: Enbu no Sho PV

It was not the first time for Mrs. GREEN APPLE to perform for the hit series, as you may well recognize its previous work “Inferno”, the opening song of the Fire Force anime’s first season. As previously announced, the third season of the anime is also under production.

The PV, however, is made of footage from the anime’s previous season, without hinting at Fire Force: Enbu no Sho’s game systems or its release date. All we know is that it is an RPG and free-to-play title with in-app purchases for iOS and Android. We’ll definitely let you know if more details come!

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About Fire Force

Fire Force is a series created by Atsushi Ohkubo, the creator of Soul Eater. The series has been serialized in Weekly Shonen Magazine since 2015 with twenty tankōbon volumes released to date. The series has inspired two seasons of anime produced by David Production aired from July to December 2019 and 2020, respectively.

The story follows Shinra Kusakabe, a young boy with a devilish grin, and dubbed the “Devil’s Footprints” for having the ability to turn his feet into flames. Ostracized as a youth and committed to becoming a hero, Shinra joins the Fire Force, a squad dedicated to taking dealing with Infernals, monsters overcome with flame.


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