[Qoo Guide] 3 Tips to Farming in GAMEVIL’s War of Crown


War of Crown

GAMEVIL’s new mobile RPG Crown of War is a tactical collectible RPG, which like most RPG requires players to farm for materials to strengthen characters. Here are a couple of simple tips to make the most of your grind and farm.

#1: Level fodders as you farm

There are several currencies in War of Crown which you can get: Gold, Arena Coins, Crystals and the premium currency Garnet. Gold and Crystals can be earned through selling crystals, but at level 1, your characters aren’t worth much in crystals.

War of Crown

To make the most out of farming, simply place one carry hero and three fodders and farm a stage in with the rewards you need. Prioritizing Evolution Fruits above weapons and materials. Of course, if there isn’t anything you desperately need, harder difficulties give more EXP making this process faster, but keep in mind you’ll want to be able to clear it with auto on!

War of Crown

Whenever you feel like your fodders are no longer leveling constantly, swap them out. You don’t have to max level your fodders for them to worth more in crystals.

By doing this, you’ll earn Gold, Crystals as well as evolution fruits that you need to evolve your main heroes. Earning crystals is incredibly useful as they can be easily farmed AND you can buy 4-5 star hero summon tickets. This is a great way to get strong heroes early on and a better chance to get heroes for skill enhance.

War of Crown

If you have a friend with a high-level Dark Nazdan, you can also do 4 fodders + the OP Dark Nazdan

Remember to spend you hard earned crystals in the shop!


#2 Knowing Your Dungeon Schedules

Each day there is a different EXP dungeon for a different element. On weekends you’ll have a chance to farm multiple elements.

War of Crown

Asides from the Daily EXP dungeons, there are Element Soul Dungeons which you will need to Evolve your hero, Gold dungeons for Gold, and Equipment dungeons which drop Chalices (Equipment EXP Materials) and Hammers (Equipment upgrade materials. These Dungeons will be available at set times. The Element Soul Dungeons lasts for two hours each time and reappear after a two-hour downtime starting from 02:00 PT (Pacific Time).

Monday: Light EXP, Light Souls, Water Souls, Equipment
Tuesday: Fire EXP, Fire Souls, Wind Souls
Wednesday: Water EXP, Water Souls, Shadows Souls, Equipment
Thursday: Wind EXP, Wind Souls, Light Souls
Friday: Shadow EXP, Shadow Souls, Fire Souls
Saturday: Light/Water/Fire EXP + Souls, Gold,
Sunday: Shadow/Wind EXP + Souls, Equipment

Schedule may change in future updates.

#3 Refill Stamina with FP

War of Crown

Whilst normally you’re only given 2 options to refill Mandolin when you run out, there’s actually a third option in the shop. Using 200 FP (friendship points) you can refill your stamina. FP is normally used for SP summon which gives you EXP mats. With the daily dungeons giving you more EXP mats easily, it’s much efficient to use FP for refilling stamina for farming elsewhere.

This is great since the game has a repeatable achievement which rewards you with 100 FP after clearing 100 battles with a friend

War of Crown

That’s it. If you have anymore tips you think are useful share them with us in the comments!

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