Granblue Fantasy: Relink Delayed Again to 2023


Cygames announced that the release of the upcoming Granblue Fantasy: Relink console game will be delayed to 2023. The game was originally set for a 2022 worldwide release on PS4, PS5, and PC via Steam until this announcement.

Granblue Fantasy: Relink Delayed Again to 2023

Producer Yuito Kimera explained that the development schedule was extended in order to further improve the game’s quality. Considering the influences caused by the Coronavirus disease, the development team has made every effort to catch up with the schedule with the hope of releasing it this year. Unfortunately, it took more time than expected to polish the details, including the landscape, game balance, and graphics optimization.

As for the current development status, all graphic resources, scenario pieces, voices, music, and other assets have been completed. The final steps are to improve the game’s quality by refining the details. More information about the game will be revealed in December.

About Granblue Fantasy: Relink

Based on the Granblue Fantasy mobile RPG, Granblue Fantasy: Relink is a 3D-action RPG, where players follow Gran to start a new chapter in the skies of Zegagrande together with the features of customization, nurturing characters, and collecting treasures. 12 characters have been confirmed to be playable in the game, including the Four Dragon Knights, Charlotta, and Yodarha.


Apart from the Main Story, there is also a single/ multiplayer mode, The Quest, where players tackle different challenges to obtain treasures. There’ll be an online lobby for you to interact with other players. But if you want to play solo, you can also do it with the aid of CPU-controlled allies.

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Granblue Fantasy: Relink Teaser Trailer

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