Hololive’s First Holostars EN Group, TEMPUS Debuts on July 22!


The boys are finally coming! Hololive EN updated its TEMPUS teaser website and video, revealing Holostars EN’s first four members, designs, and debut date! The four talents will be debuting on separate dates, with two of the group’s members, Regis Altare and Magni Dezmond debuting on July 22, while Axel Syrios and Noir Vesper debut on July 23.

The group is also having its first collaboration stream on July 23, 20:00 to 21:00 [PST] after all four group members have debuted.

Holostars EN

Holostars EN TEMPUS Debut PV


Tempus is an adventurer’s guild, known also as the most famous pub in the downtown area, which became tied to the guild after its founding members regularly met up there. The name TEMPUS symbolizes a turning point for the group, as they seek to resist the status quo and change the world as adventurers.

■ Regis Altare
The founder of the Adventurer’s Guild.

The first-ever adventurer to set foot in Elysium, he dislikes stagnation and the status quo.
He is childish at heart and generally bungles everything he touches, and yet he is inexplicably popular among his peers. His earnest straightforwardness may well lead to him being called a “hero” one day.

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Debut Stream: July 22nd, 2022, 18:00 to 19:00 [PST]

■ Magni Dezmond
The Adventurer’s Guild’s publicist.

He proclaims himself to be an alchemist, but nobody has ever seen him in action. Muddling  the waters even further are his business ventures which take him all around Elysium.
Nobody knows what his actual profession is. What does his “alchemy” even consist of… making potions? The type of person who stares right into the abyss.
Rumors say he will do anything it takes to uncover the truth behind the world, and that he’s hiding a dark side to him.

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Artist: hasendow
Debut Stream: July 22nd, 2022, 19:00 PM to 20:00 [PST)

■ Axel Syrios
The chief of human resources in Adventurer’s Guild.

He is the owner of the combat arena, and a gladiator himself. He joined Tempus on a whim, only to take a real liking to it. Has always swiftly resolved any problems he has faced by sheer instinct, and thus considers himself somewhat of a doctor.

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Debut Stream: July 23rd, 2022, 18:00 to 19:00 [PST]

■ Noir Vesper
Adventurer’s Guild’s academic advisor.

He also holds the posts of custodian and arch-scholar at the Grand Library. Logical and rational at all times, he doesn’t lift a finger unless completely convinced by something. He has an aversion to sunlight due to spending too long cooped up, absorbed in his research.

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Artist: shidokenai
Debut Stream: July 23rd, 2022, 19:00 PM to 20:00 PM [PST]

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