Yumekuro Celebrates Half Anniversary With Free Gacha Pulls and Campaigns


GCREST recently held a special live stream, focusing on the celebrations for the half-year anniversary of Dream Meister and the Recollected Black Fairy/ Yumekuro otome mobile game! Highlighted events include free pulls, special missions, and many more!

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Yumekuro Half-Anniversary Movie

60 Free Meister Gacha Pulls!

From August 12 to September 1, players can pull a total of 6 tenfolds in the Meister Gacha! The pull daily resets every day, and you can do this up to 6 times.

Yumekuro Celebrates Half Anniversary With Free Gacha Pulls and Campaigns

Yumetomo Invitation Campaign

During the campaign period, players who invite their friends to start playing Yumekuro can now input a code known as a “Yumetomo Code”. If they input that code and meet certain requirements, you and your friend will get rewards!

Period: August 12 ~ September 30

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Yumekuro Half-Anniversary Special Paid Sets & Packs

A plethora of new Half-Anniversary Special Packs has been added to the Grand Shop! There are three packs in total, and each of them will give you a varying amount of rewards and Paid Gems.

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Guaranteed 4★ Meister Paid Gacha

A Paid Meister Gacha is now available! By using 1500 Paid Gems, you’re guaranteed to receive at least 1 4★ Meister!* The new character Canaan will also be featured in this gacha!

*Only characters that have been added to the permanent pool are available.

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Yumekuro Half-Anniversary Login Bonus

Log in to the game during the campaign period to receive various rewards such as gems, gacha tickets, and many other resources!

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Yumekuro Half-Anniversary Special Missions

Clear the Half-Anniversary special missions to receive special character Titles! All the currently playable characters will have their own special Half-Anniversary Titles, which you can then place on your profile.

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QX6Xv DjqLLN7Z4KqQgmqL3YMFxZ q39WTlYx3E2d Db7nUYNe4YGadKdp8UDlQASm4 Dream Meister and the Recollected Black Fairy GCREST, Inc. Rate: 4.5 Install
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