Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin Unveils Gilgamesh in Wanderer of The Rift DLC


Square Enix released a new trailer for Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin‘s upcoming DLC, Wanderer of the Rift. Players that purchased the season pass will receive this, and the previously released Trials of the Dragon King.

The DLC adds new endgame content to the game, including the blue mage job, “Chaotic monsters”, and new abilities and equipment, along with the introduction of the infamous Gilgamesh who debuted in Final Fantasy V, with a remix of Death Battle at the Big Bridge!

The Wander of The Rift DLC launches on October 26.

Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin

Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin Worldview

Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin takes place in the kingdom of Cornelia, and as the name implies, is a reinterpretation, and a remixing of the original Final Fantasy’s origin story, introducing Jack, a man with the burning rage to defeat Chaos, along with his companions.

Stranger of Paradise
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Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin Gameplay

The game is a fast-paced action RPG, with players controlling Jack or one of his companions in real-time. You can switch between two assigned jobs at a time during combat, dealing a barrage of physical and magical attacks to the enemies. Bosses have a break gauge, that once depleted lets you dish out massive damage to an enemy using finisher attacks.

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