With Cuppa is a Pet-Raising Sim for You to Spend Time with the Kawaii Kappa


Gravity Game Arise just unveiled a new casual smartphone game titled With Cuppa, featuring an adorable little Kappa during Tokyo Game Show 2022.

The game is based on a 4-panel manga series published on Twitter by @sariding_kappa, featuring the titular Cuppa going about everyday life. The game is expected to launch on Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android in the near future.

About With Cuppa

With Cuppa is a title about a Cuppa, which roughly translates to “Cute Kappa” in English. With Cuppa has you playing parkour mini-games with Mr.Kappa, as you race down waterfalls, streams, and more collecting flowers that you can later exchange for various clothing for Mr.Kappa, and set up new decorations for his home!

With Cuppa
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While at his home you’ll be able to take a look at Mr.Kappa’s lifestyle from an intimate angle, he can also tell you from time to time what type of foods or gifts he prefers. If you give Mr.Kappa the right items, your bond together will grow even faster! Interact with Mr.Kappa in these adorable back and forth to become best friends with him!

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To let players experience With Cuppa any way they’d like, the game supports both vertical and horizontal play formats. With Cuppa information will be released to QooApp at a later time, so stay tuned if you want to learn more about this game featuring this cute little guy!

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