Caravan Stories x KonoSuba! Collab Event Begins on October 4


Caravan Stories will soon be collaborating with KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World!

The collaboration event adds three new characters, Aqua voiced by Amamiya Sora, Megumin voiced by Takahashi Rie, and Darkness voiced by Ai Kayano! All three of these characters come in their original, and winter outfits featured in the anime.

The collab begins on October 4 to October 18.

Caravan Stories x KonoSuba! Collab Teasers

Caravan Stories x KonoSuba! New Characters

As mentioned earlier, Aqua , Megumin, and Darkness are joining the game as collaboration characters, each voiced by their original voice actresses from the anime. The three will be added to the game as water, fire, and light element characters.

■ Aqua – CV: Amamiya Sora

Caravan Stories x Konosuba

■ Megumin – CV: Takahashi Rie

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■ Darkness – CV: Ai Kayano

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caravan stories x konosuba 00 5

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DxPra3Sp5VXhQzPTn8YIADK9VLS0Yf urQGLpc7pTaaV3hGJ2AqrmW30pkqJhU6Phw Caravan Stories | Traditional Chinese 日商艾鳴網路遊戲股份有限公司台灣分公司 Rate: 4.2 Install
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