Uma Musume Pretty Derby Paka Live Vol. 23 – Christmas Season is Almost Here!


Cygames’ Uma Musume Pretty Derby mobile game has revealed the latest information and future updates in its official Paka Live Vol. 23 broadcast program streamed on November 26.

In this version of the broadcast, the main focus was the upcoming Christmas celebrations from the month of December, as well as the addition of a new Photo Mode feature. To celebrate the live stream, 300 Jewels will be given to all players. Make sure to collect them from your gift box!

Uma Musume Pretty Derby

The short anime Umayuru also revealed the third theme song “Dance 2 Endless Beat”! Join the kawaii Uma Musume for a cheerful beat in the MV below!

New Uma Musume

From November 28, two new specially dressed Uma Musume will appear in the Pick-Up Pretty Derby Gacha and two new SSR Support Cards will appear in the Pick-up Support Card Gacha.


■ 3★ [Unchanging Aqua Witae] Vodka

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■ 3★ [Scarlet Nuit Etoile] Daiwa Scarlet

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■ SSR Support Card [GLAD TIDINGS] Narita Brian

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■ SSR Support Card [Are you merry?] Air Groove

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Illuminate the Heart Story Event

The next story event, Illuminate the Heart, will be held on November 28, 2022! This time, the stage is set for a Christmas event at the Halon Tower. The story will depict the various thoughts of the people involved in the Tower as they come to life.

Play through the event and you can earn the special SSR Support Card [From Here Onwards, Don’t Stop!] Sakura Laurel!

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■ SSR Support Card [From Here Onwards, Don’t Stop!] Sakura Laurel

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New Feature – Photo Studio Mode!

The Photo Studio Mode will be added in mid-December 2022. In this mode, you can freely select and take pictures of training and outing performances during training that could not be taken with the photo function. In addition to regular training, you can select a camp, and customize the destination and season of the outing.

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Merry Christmas! Special Campaign

December is the month of Christmas! To celebrate, Uma Musume Pretty Derby will be holding several campaigns!

■ Training and Bond Campaign
The effectiveness of getting closer to your Uma Musume, as well as bonuses during Training will be increased from November 28!

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■ Team Stadium Support Campaign and Daily Race Challenge Increase Campaign
From mid-December onwards, the Team Stadium Support Campaign and Daily Race Challenge Increase Campaign will both begin. Enjoy the merry season with your Uma Musume!

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■ Christmas Home Menu Background!
The home screen will be decorated in Christmas style. In addition, a BGM-arranged version of the special music “KIRARI MAGIC SHOW” in collaboration with Tokyo Mega Illumination can be enjoyed on the home screen.

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A campaign page commemorating the collaboration with Tokyo Mega Illumi will be available in-game. KIRARI MAGIC SHOW sung by Copano Rickey, Hokko Tarumae, and Wonder Acute will be available on the campaign page. In addition, a special login bonus will be offered prior to the collaboration with Tokyo Mega Illumi scheduled to take place in late December.

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Uma Musume The Stage – The Sprinters’ Journey

The Uma Musume Pretty Derby The Stage: Sprinters’ Story stage play will be performed at the Shinagawa Prince Hotel Stellar Ball from January 15, 2023, with advance ticket registration on the stage’s official website starting on November 27.

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Uma Musume Pretty Derby POP-UP Store

From December 9 to December 25, 2022, the Uma Musume Pretty Derby POP-UP STORE will be held at Animate Akihabara No. 2. It will carry character goods and related products of the Uma Musume girls. A special bromide will be given away depending on the conditions.

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Winning Live 09 CD Details Now Available!

The contents of the Uma Musume Pretty Derby Winning Live 09 CD, scheduled for release on December 28, 2022, have been released. It will include the KIRARI MAGIC SHOW and Ms. VICTORIA songs, as well as solo vocal songs sung by Copano Rickey, Hokko Tarumae, and Wonder Acute.

Furthermore, the jacket design for the CD has been revealed:

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fEVJnOeWU1nzFNVJlAV7usnhAcIURh0BPydpYXKXTFoSvHva06SmtyqT7GDZF6fvAts Uma Musume: Pretty Derby | Japanese Cygames, Inc. Rate: 4.6 Install
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