Goddess of Victory: Nikke is getting ready to celebrate Christmas, with its new Miracle Snow event bringing in two SSR characters, a free SR, new outfits, a story event, game modes, and more!
The miracle snow event brings Winter Shopper Rupee and Miracle Fairy Anne, a Burst 1 Assault Rifle, and Burst 2 Rocket Launcher Nikke along with Neve, the first free SR character apart from Ether that’s a Burst 3 Shotgun wielder! These will be introduced along with the first half of the Miracle Snow event consisting of a 14-day Login calendar, story event, and mini-game event. The second half of the event, Eternal Memory begins a week later.
The game is also introducing a new co-op event, with the Grave Digger boss as a co-op boss and a new PVP game mode, Arena coming to the game after it was removed on launch!
The Miracle Snow event begins on December 8, the exact time depending on your server.

▍Goddess of Victory: Nikke – Miracle Snow Event
The Miracle Snow event is starting soon! This event brings with it a 14-day login calendar, a miracle snow story event, and eternal memory story event a week later, along with the Gift Factory minigame.
Both story events will have different rewards in its shop and use a different currency, so don’t worry about using everything from Miracle Snow before Eternal Memory starts.

To also celebrate Miracle Snow, a new co-op event featuring the Grave Digger boss will also be available around that time, along with the Arena game mode, though more details on that are to come. The Arena game mode has its own shop, making it another way to pick up skill materials and gear for your Nikkes.
▍Goddess of Victory: Nikke – New Characters
The game is introducing not one, but two new pick-up recruitments at the time of this event! You can pick up Winter Shopper Rupee and Miracle Fairy Anne during this event. Their kits have yet to be officially released, but you can check out their gorgeous character art below!

■ Winter Shopper Rupee – Assault Rifle Burst 1

■ Miracle Fairy Anne – SSR Burst 2

■ Neve – SR Shotgun Burst 3 (Free!)
Neve on the other hand is the free SR attacker coming to the game, joining Ludmilla and Alice in squad Unlimited. She specialises in buffing her crit and hit rate while also heavily boosting her next two shots’ attack with increased power and price capabilities. It’s a shame that her burst is on a 40-second cooldown, but this means you can get two incredibly hard-hitting shots with her to interrupt bosses in a pinch!

▍Goddess of Victory: Nikke – New Outfits
The game is also releasing some new outfits during this time. Emma’s new outfit will be available from the new battle pass while the rest can be bought separately in the shop!
■ Christmas Emma

■ Covert Nurse Maiden

■ Model Worker Brid

■ Sweet Holic Poli

■ Joy to the Nerds Exia
