Dream Meister and the Recollected Black Fairy 1st Anniversary Site and Special Movie Revealed


GCREST’s Dream Meister and the Recollected Black Fairy mobile game is now completing a full year since its release. To celebrate and to thank all players for their support, a special site, anniversary movie, and visual were revealed, alongside several to be held throughout February!

Dream Meister and the Recollected Black Fairy 1st Anniversary Movie

Big App Update Incoming!

A huge-scale update revamping all sorts of features in Yumekuro will be coming on January 30! The update includes the following:

  • You can now bulk buy items in the Normal Shop.
  • Hunting Quests can now be skipped.
  • The Present Box’s Filter option will remember your preferences even after you close the game.
  • Added the ability to skip certain animations.
  • Made it easier to scroll through the Present Box and Shop menus.
  • In the list of Meisters when going out, the Meister whose birthday is the closest will be displayed.
  • Added a “By Obtained Date” filter to the character sort menu.
  • Lots of UI optimization changes.
Dream Meister and the Recollected Black Fairy 1st Anniversary Movie and Special Site Revealed

1st Anniversary Event Schedule

There will be two special events to celebrate the anniversary instead of one! The first, Grateful Days, will begin on February 1, while the second event, Looking at this Beautiful World, With You, will begin on February 15.

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The schedule for the first half (Grateful Days) is as follows:

January 25: Special Website Opens
January 30: Big App Update / Special Login Bonus / Yumetomo Invitation Campaign
January 31: Grateful Days Part 1 Gacha / Special Gem Sets
February 1: Grateful Days Limited-Time Event
February 7: Grateful Days Part 2 Gacha
February 11: Part 2 Countdown Voice Login Bonus
February 12: Special live stream

1st Anniversary Twitter Campaign

From January 25 to February 20, a special campaign will be held where players post their memories of Yumekuro to SNS using the “#ゆめくろの思い出” hashtag!

If 10,000 people post about it, a Tenfold Meister Ticket and a Tenfold Black Fairy ticket will be given to all players! What’s more, players who post will be entering a special giveaway of an autographed panel containing all of Yumekuro’s seiyuu signatures!

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