Goddess of Victory: Nikke Begins Maid in Valentine Event on February 1


Goddess of Victory: Nikke is kicking off Valentine’s slightly early, as the game is now having its Maid in Valentine event along with the new version update on February 1!

The event adds three new maid characters to the game, all from the Tetra Manufacturer. Cocoa, Soda, and Ade join the game following their Valentine’s day adventures, with Cocoa and Soda joining as SSR characters, and Ade coming at a later date.

In addition to these characters, Modernia also makes her way to standard recruitment as a Pilgrim, so now every time you pull a Pilgrim you’ll have a small chance for it to be her!

The Maid in Valentine event begins on February 1 and ends on February 15.

Main in Valentine PV

Goddess of Victory: Nikke Maid in Valentine Event

Valentine’s day is coming soon, but the maids are still unable to make the best chocolates. In order to find a way to make chocolates with all their hearts, they went to the ground and found an old-time dessert factory.

Enjoy a new story event in Nikke featuring Cocoa, Soda, and Ade from squad “Maid For You” as you explore an old dessert factory to help bring some sweet cheer back to Valentine’s day in the Ark!

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Goddess of Victory: Nikke New Characters

As mentioned previously, Cocoa, Soda and Aid are making their debut in this event, with Cocoa being the first new pick-up character! Cocoa and Soda are not limited, and will be added to the game’s standard banner when their banner ends.

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Cocoa joins the game as a supporter character wielding a Sniper Rifle. she specializes and supporting her ally with debuff cleansing effects, and reducing the enemy’s attack power. She can also recover the cover health of allies (or the current skill effect is a typo in the English translation), making prolonged fights easier to withstand.

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Soda will join the game as another supporter character on February 8. She wields a minigun and is also a burst 1 character, though her kit has yet to be revealed!

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And finally the 3rd member of squad Maid for You, Ade! Unfortunately not much is known about this character yet while it was speculated that she’d be a welfare character, she actually doesn’t show up in the game’s mission rewards or shop, so hopefully we’ll learn more about this character in the coming weeks.

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Goddess of Victory: Nikke Log-In Bonus

As with every event the game’s having another login bonus, giving you 300 gems, 10 recruit vouchers, and a whole bunch of skill, and upgrade materials to help give you a few day’s worth of progress by just logging in!

Goddess of Victory Nikke

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4q1HCF2foGPCorOgBU0wnQWCDGiaYHq DLiMhYIgGpOuoqNUeUW93Z2QQT7ooEItmww Goddess of Victory: NIKKE | Traditional Chinese Gamamobi Rate: 3.4 Install
0zDzOk32BAfnED8d0IipUQczahCDxTeWZq jh7t5op2hUl89lXt5eyXloiu69rc2zg Goddess of Victory: NIKKE | Global Level Infinite Rate: 3.3 Install
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