Granblue Fantasy 9th Anniversary Campaigns Begins March 10; Gachapin Roulette Returns with Up to 100 Free Pulls Everyday


Celebrating the 9th-anniversary milestones, the turn-based JRPG Granblue Fantasy is holding a slew of celebration campaigns and updates starting March 10, 2023. The game will not only add a new class, Yamato with abilities that flavor the V2 battle system, but also a special mission where you can get gold bricks and a limited character gacha ticket. Everybody’s favorite Gachapin Roulette will also return!

*Noted that the game will go under maintenance on March 10, from 12:00 PM to 17:00 PM [JPT].

Granblue Fantasy 9th Anniversary Campaigns Begins March 10; Gachapin Roulette Returns with Up to 100 Free Pulls Everyday

Update Coming on March 10

Part of the updates previously revealed during the 9th-anniversary live stream will come to Granblue Fantasy after the maintenance on March 10. The new class, Yamato, which has multi-hit damage skills that are good at breaking omens, will be added to the game.

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A new item, “Proof of Perfection” (極致の証), which boosts Tier 4 and EX2 classes will also be added to Granblue Fantasy. The items will not only increase the main character’s status, but also unlock new EMP abilities.

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10 character rebalances will also go live after the Granblue Fantasy 9th anniversary update, including Baal, Hallessena, Selfira, Lennah, Nezha, Azazel, Tanya, Niyon, Black Knight, and Vania.

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Granblue Fantasy 9th Anniversary Weapon Exchange Ticket will be distributed to all players who log in to Granblue Fantasy from March 10 to March 29. The 9th Anniversary skin of Galleon and Poseidon will also be on sale.

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The Granblue Fantasy 9th Anniversary Ticket will also be on sale. The ticket allows you to select one character, weapon, or summon, including both the seasonal and limited ones. New limited and seasonal characters available for selection include Fediel and Catura (Christmas).

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The first series of the Star Legend Gacha Set will be on sale on March 10! You can get one of the seasonal characters that appeared in 2021 and 2022 with each set of Fire/Water/Earth Attribute and Wind/Light/Dark Attribute! The second series that guaranteed a gala-exclusive character will be on sale on March 29.

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A new item “Cages” will come with any Grand weapon that you pull. Cages will be used to awaken specific Grand weapons into five types; Attack, Defense, Skill Damage, Ability Damage, and Healing. The Grand Weapon can be awakened up to Lv4 meaning that you’ll need 4 Cage to fully awaken one Grand Weapon.

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Cages can also be used to add 2 more stars to a character’s EMP cap, up to 10 stars can be obtained.

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A full skip for the Ifrit/Sagittarius Clash series is also possible after the update on March 10.

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Gachapin Roulette – Up to 100 Free Pulls Every Day

From March 10 at 0:00 to March 31 at 4:59 [JPT], the popular Gachapin Roulette will return giving away up to 100 free fulls to all users every day! Spin the roulette for a chance to win 10-part draws for free each day you log in! 

Two Types of Roulette – Gachapin Vs Mukku
Just as last year, there’ll be two styles of Roulette for your selection; If you pick the Gachapin Roulette, you will have a chance to win 10, 20, 30, or 100 free rolls; If you pick the Mukku Roulette, you will have 50/50 chance to get 20 or 30 rolls.

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Gachapin Frenzy Mode
A Gachapin Frenzy mode will start by either hitting the roulette’s Gachapin area or by filling up the Gachapin meter. And it will allow you to repetitively do a free 10-part draw until you get an SSR item or perform thirty free 10-part draws.

■ Mukku Frenzy Mode
The Mukku Frenzy Mode also returns and it will be triggered by chance when Gachapin Frenzy ends. The mode allows you to repetitively do a free 10-part draw until you get an SSR item or perform thirty free 10-part draws, including the draws done during Gachapin Frenzy.

The probability of Mukku Frenzy starting will depend on the number of 10-part draws done during Gachapin Frenzy. SSR draw rates are also boosted during Mukku Frenzy.

100 Free Pulls Guaranteed
On March 20, during Flash Gala, and on March 30, during Premium Gala, 100 free rolls are guaranteed on the roulette, so be sure to log in to claim the rewards!

Granblue Fantasy 9th Anniversary Daily Login Bonus

From March 10 at 0:00 to March 31 at 4:59 [JPT], 200 extra crystals will be given each day in the daily bonus. And the 9th Anniversary Daily Bonus will replace other daily bonuses.

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Campaign-Exclusive Quest

The campaign-exclusive quest will run from March 10 at 0:00 to March 31 at 4:59 [JPT]. This quest can be played with no AP for the first 30 times. Clear the quest to get items and EXP!

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9 Times More RP and EXP

During the campaign period, players can get 9 times more rank points and EXP until reaching the quest’s point caps. It will change to 2 times more rank points and EXP after exceeding the point caps.

The first period will run from March 10, 17:00 to March 22, 16:59 [JPT], while the second period will run from March 22, 17:00 to March 31, 16:59 [JPT].

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2 Times More RP and EXP

From March 10 at 0:00 to March 31 at 4:59 [JPT], players can get 2 times more rank points and EXP. Noted that Co-op quests’ rank points and EXP will not be boosted.

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Half AP/EP Event & Half AP for Free & Special Quest

During the campaign period, all main quest chapters and raids only require half of the AP/EP, including the Impossible Omega II Raids, the Ennead Raids, and the Six-Dragon Raids. Some of the free, special quests will require no AP.

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Treasure required to start some of the raid battles will also be half off. And the three above example raids are certainly on the list.

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Half AP for Side Story Quests

Playing the Side Story Quests also requires half AP only and the treasures needed to trade items will be half-off.

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Angel Halo Pro Daily Attempts +2 Event

During the campaign period, the special quest Angel Halo Pro can be played three times a day!

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Double Sephira Gauge Increase Event

From March 10 to March 31, the Sephira gauge increase in Replicard Sandbox will be doubled.

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You will also receive two Arcarum Badges each day instead of one during the campaign period.

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More Renown and Prestige Pendants

From March 10 to March 31, players can get 1.2 times more renown and prestige pendants in quests. While the maximum amount of pendants you can earn from daily, weekly, rare bonus, SR bonus, and crew bonus is doubled until April 4.

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Boost to Shop Skill Event

Shop skill effects will be doubled during the event period. Shop skills activated before the event will also be boosted. Shop skills will return to normal after the event ends on March 31.

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Granblue Fantasy 9th Anniversary Mission

During the campaign period, players who clear specific raids can earn luxurious rewards, including gold bricks, and a special gacha ticket that guaranteed you one limited weapon/character released up until March.

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Granblue Fantasy mobage Rate: 4.6 Install
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