Goddess of Victory: Nikke Begins Cherry Blossom Event on March 30


Goddess of Victory: Nikke is getting ready to start a new event, this time the Cherry Blossom event on March 30, while also bringing a few long-awaited updates to the game.

The update brings the Cherry Blossom event with the new SSR Tetra Line Nikke Sakura, in the game’s next special recruitment banner, the SSR Pilgrim Nikke Nihilister in the second batch of Liberation.

The game will also be having free login events, with a 7-day, and 21-day login event starting from March 30, Full Burst Day which gives bonus rewards from Interception and Simulation, a new Union Raid on March 31, and is raising the Outpost Maximum Level Cap! For a full list of changes, you can check out the game’s patch notes.

Sakura Blossom Event

The Cherry Blossom story event is coming, this time featuring Sakura and Mokdan. In this new event, the Cherry Blossoms begin to bloom, and tales are spoken amongst the populace that those that kiss under a tree, will become soulmates for eternity.

Amongst those believing that a husband is needed to become a successor, Sakura plans a fake wedding underneath a Sakura Tree.

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Nikke New Characters – Sakura and Nihilister

As part of the Cherry Blossom event, Sakura is joining the game in the new Pick Up recruitment! This SSR Nikke from Tetra Line. After the recruitment banner ends she’ll be added to the game’s ordinary recruitment.

Sakura is a Sniper Rifle-wielding Burst 1 Nikke, with a kit dedicated to taking care of boss-type enemies, as she can boost the defense of allies and make them deal increased damage to enemy projectiles. She also makes allies take significantly less damage from Wind element enemies, and can increase their damage to interruption parts, making her the perfect counter to Alteisen!

Goddess Of Victory Nikke Cherry Blossom Banner

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Sakura is joined by Nihilister, the long-awaited Heretic Pilgrim that you encounter in chapter 20 of the game’s story, and as a raid boss a few updates ago.

Nihilister takes on the role of a Burst 2 Attacker with a Sniper Rifle, though it’d be more appropriate to call them railguns. Her basic attacks can pierce enemies, and can deal bonus damage to enemies if she hits multiple targets. When she activates her burst she can burn enemies, dealing continuous damage while also raising her maximum ammo count.

Unlike Sakura and every other pilgrim though, Nihilister is the first Story-locked character, requiring you to beat Chapters 20-31 of the game and choose her as a Liberation target, and after completing several weeks’ worth of dailies, you’ll be able to add her to your team, completely free.

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0zDzOk32BAfnED8d0IipUQczahCDxTeWZq jh7t5op2hUl89lXt5eyXloiu69rc2zg Goddess of Victory: NIKKE | Global Level Infinite Rate: 3.3 Install
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