Nintendo has announced a trailer detailing the content that will be added to Splatoon 3, with a new update titled Sizzle Season coming soon on June 1!
This latest season features a chockful of new weapons, maps, gears, and even new game modes added to the ever-growing assortment of entertainment offered in Splatsville. Just like the previous season, expect fresh new clothing and item unlocks in the season catalog as well!
▍Splatoon 3 Sizzle Season 2023 Announcement Trailer
▍A Blast From the Past
The latest Sizzle Season trailer for Splatoon 3 previewed two new weapon variants for the blaster and the brush. While not shown in the trailer, more weapon kit variants of preexisting weapons are also on their way, sporting new combinations of sub-weapons and ultimates!
Shown first in the trailer was the Painbrush, an armament that sports a fan-shaped tip with high damage output and range at the cost of slower swings. Brush enthusiasts have probably been waiting for the longest time for a new alt, as the weapon type had the least amount of variants despite its appearance in all three games. The weapon’s sub is the Curling Bomb and its special is the Wave Breaker.

The other new primary showcased in the Sizzle Season trailer was the S-BLAST’92 which appears to be modeled after the Super Scope controller for the SNES from the ’90s.
The gun can one-shot opponents from a considerable distance when fired from the ground ala Range Blaster. However, firing the blaster while jumping turns the projectile into a short-distance burst that has a more extensive blast range at the cost of losing its ability to one-tap. The weapon’s sub is the Sprinkler and the special is the Reefslider.

▍New and Returning Map in Splatoon 3 Sizzle Season
Three additional maps would be added to the ever-growing list of locales for players to contend in. This includes the brand-new map Barnacle and Dime, alongside the return of the Splatoon 2 map Humpback Pump Track. For the Salmon Run game mode, Jammin’ Salmon Junction will also be added to the map rotation post-update.

▍New Challenge Game Mode
The Sizzle Season will also introduce a new battle format called Challenges, including the ‘Too Many Trizookas’ (everyone equipped with the Trizooka special), ‘Foggy Nation’ (the map is covered in thick fog), and ‘Extreme Jump Battle’ (everyone jumps extremely high). While their rewards are currently unknown, change-ups in the rule of matches are sure to be a nice change of pace.
