Aether Gazer is celebrating the summer for the first time with its massive Countertide Whalesong event, a two-part event with multiple characters, game modes, stages, a new boss, outfits, and more!
The event brings two event stories, from Desert Island and Beneath the Waves coming in two parts over the course of the event. Three new characters will be added to the game including Waverender Skadi, Thudertusk Kali, and Countertide – Leviathan!
You’ll also be able to play the game’s multiple new minigames including a fishing minigame, a wave-racing match, and a puzzle-scanning exploration game, all offering Shifted Stars, Ain Soph coins, character materials, and Thundertusk Kali, which you can obtain free from the event!
Aether Gazer’s CounterTide Whalesong event begins on June 27 and until August 1.
▍Aether Gazer Countertide Whalesong Trailer
▍Aether Gazer New Characters
Check out the new characters coming to the game from this event! Waverender Skadi and Thundertusk Kali are available as soon as the game ends its maintenance, and you’ll be able to pick up Skadi from the game’s new gacha and Thundertusk Kali from the game’s events for free!
The pair also have an Ultimate Skillchain attack together making them great pickups for new players, and Waverender Skadi also has another ultimate skillchain with Drifting Flurry – Leviathan!
■ Waverender Skadi

■ Thundertusk Kali

Leviathan can be picked up when the game releases the second half of the Countertide Whalesong event with a new gacha, and she has a team attack with Frost Fang – Vidar!
■ Countertide Leviathan

You can also pick up some new few functors from the game’s gacha, with new effects that synergize well with the aforementioned characters.

▍Aether Gazer Countertide Whalesong Event Story
It’s time to celebrate the summer admins in the Countertide Whalesong story event. These story stages will introduce three new scenes, from the Desert Island, to the Snowflake 2 Deck, and the Underwater City, the focal point of this expedition.
You’ll also be able to take on a new boss, the Siren, a large leviathan-like creature!

▍Aether Gazer Countertide WhaleSong Event Games
Three new minigames are also being added to celebrate this event, with the first one being Azure Catch!
This minigame has you catching fish using Skadi and the snowflake 2, collecting them for analysis later. When you go fishing you can also pick up Dream Scale Dyes at random, and if you collect them in sets you’ll be granted shifted stars and Ain Soph coins as a reward!

The Oceanic Survey minigame is also coming, letting you surf around as Waverender Skadi while avoiding and taking down enemies under a time limit. Completing these stages will grant you Thundertusk Kali and even more shifted stars!

Lastly, the Unnamed Island exploration event has you taking a ship on a hexagonal grid to explore the surrounding waters for ruins and treasures, with hazards in your way that you’ll need to navigate around lest the Snowflake 2 goes under.

New simulations have also been added, along with an Access Key boost event and more stages to the Bubble Realm.

▍Aether Gazer Countertide WhaleSong Outfits
You can pick up the Summer Lovin’ outfit for Kuninotokotachi and Ookuninushi from the Shop, with both being available during the event’s duration, going away after August 1!
