Genshin Impact Version 1.5 Update & PS5 Support Arrives on April 28


miHoYo announces that “Genshin Impact” is getting new Version 1.5 update “Beneath the Light of Jadeite”and native PlayStation 5 support on April 28!

<<Official Press Release>>

The new update will allow players to delve further into the history of Liyue with Zhongli, meet 2 new characters, face off against formidable new foes, and establish a personal realm in Teyvat. With Genshin Impact v1.5, the game is also coming to thePlayStation 5 as a native release on April 28. This means players can now look forward to 4K resolution, enhanced textures, and faster loading times.



Genshin Impact 1.5 Update

Version 1.5 offers players plenty of opportunities to spend time with characters, creating new stories in the present while learning about others from the past. Those interested in Liyue’s history can pick up where they left off with Zhongli in the second installment of his story quest. Back in Mondstadt, players can continue their story with Noelle and also spend some time with Diona, the popular bartender of The Cat’s Tail, in a new series of Hangout Events.

New Characters

Two new playable characters, Eula and Yanfei, will also be added to the game. Five-star character, Eula, is the Spindrift Knight and Captain of the Knights of Favonius Reconnaissance Company. Wielding a claymore and the power of Cryo, she can deal AoE damage and increase her resistance to interruption with her Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst. Meanwhile, Yanfei is a four-star Pyro-using catalyst wielder. Born in Liyue during peacetime, Yanfei is a young half-human, half-illuminated-beast who dedicates her life to studying, interpreting, and advising her clients on Liyue’s laws.



New Bosses

An all-new Trounce Domain opponent, Azhdaha, the “Lord of Vishaps,” offers rare rewards once a week for travelers who manage to conquer his fierce attacks, use of multiple elements, and ability to alter the battlefield terrain.


In a new chilling addition to Dragonspine, the Cryo Hypostasis will make an appearance as a new Boss Enemy. Just like other enemies in the Hypostasis series, the Cryo Hypostasis has a unique pattern of attack and provides precious resources when defeated, including Character Level-Up Materials.



New Gameplay

Genshin Impact is introducing a new gameplay element in the form of the Serenitea Pot. Created by Liyue’s adepti, inside this special teapot is a realm where players can build and decorate their home as they wish. Different house and realm styles will be available, each with plenty of space for outdoor recreation and indoor luxury.

A number of gameplay improvements will also be introduced, including halving the cost of claiming the first three Trounce Domain rewards per week and doubling the amount of Companionship EXP earned in Co-Op Mode.





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