Golden Kamuy Season 4 Unveils 1st Trailer & October Premiere


A stage presentation for the Golden Kamuy franchise at AnimeJapan 2022 revealed that the fourth season of the anime will premiere in October. In addition to this, a new trailer was released.

Golden Kamuy Season 4 Unveils 1st Trailer  & October Premiere
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Brains Base will animate the new season instead of Geno Studio, and is directed by Shizutaka Sugahara instead of Hitoshi Nanba, who directed the previous three seasons. Noboru Takagi will return to work on the series composition. Takumi Yamakawa is the new character designer, replacing Kenichi Ohnuki.

Golden Kamuy follows the story of Saichi Sugimoto, a veteran of the Battle of 203 Hill in the Russo-Japanese War, and Asirpa, a young Ainu girl, who try to locate the Ainu gold. Their invigorating journey starts while finding the clues hidden in the tattoos of a group of convicts who escaped from Abashiri Prison.

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Golden Kamuy Season 4 Staff

Original story by Satoru Noda
Chief Director: Shizutaka Sugahara
Series Composition: Noboru Takagi
Character Design: Takumi Yamakawa
Animation production: Brain’s Base
Production: Golden Kamuy Production Committee

Golden Kamuy Season 4 Cast

■ Saichi Sugimoto – CV: Chikahiro Kobayashi
■ Asirpa – CV: Haruka Shiraishi
■ Yutake Shiraishi – CV: Kentaro Ito
■ Lieutenant Tsurumi – CV: Houuchu Otsuka
■ Toshizo Hijikata- CV: Joji Nakata
■ Hyakunosuke Ogata – CV: Kenjiro Tsuda
■ Genjiro Tanigaki – CV: Yoshimasa Hosoya
■ Ushiyama Tatsuma – CV: Nomura Kenji
■ Shinpachi Nagakura – CV: Takayuki Sugo
■ Kano Ienaga – CV: Sayaka Ohara
■ Kirolanke – CV: Terrasoma Masaki
■ Incaramat – CV: Noto Mamiko
■ Kohei Nikaido – CV: Tomokazu Sugita
■ Sergeant Tsukishima – CV: Hidefumi Takemoto
■ Ensign Koito – CV: Katsuyuki Konishi

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