The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Celebrates 3rd Anniversary with New Hero, Events, Rewards


Netmarble’s The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross is celebrating its third anniversary with a new playable hero, exciting in-game events, rewards, and more. 

Starting from June 7, the first light attribute hero, [Restored Memories] Elizabeth of Eternal Rebirth will also be available in the game. She can decrease damage by 10% from every other attribute but Light. This skill decreases her ally’s damage from other attributes by 10% as well.

The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross 3rd Anniversary PV

The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross 3rd Anniversary Event

Grand Cross 3rd Anniversary Grand Festival Poll 

Netmarble has curated a list of heroes chosen from players around the world; these heroes can be obtained via a draw option!

The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Celebrates 3rd Anniversary with New Events and Rewards

3rd Anniversary Birthday Event

Players who log in for 28 days, and receive up to 300 diamonds!

Start Dash Draw Event 

For the first 14 days, new and returning players can acquire 11 free draw tickets daily (154 draw maximum). Players can acquire fully awakened festival UR heroes at certain loyalty point levels:
300 loyalty points: [Invincible Avatar] Escanor “The One” or [Holy Warrior] Goddess Elizabeth
450 loyalty points: [Halloween] Holy Knight Gowther or [Demon King’s Deputy] Executioner Zeldris
600 loyalty points: “Assault Mode” Berserk Meliodas or [Divine Protection] Merlin the Daughter of Belialuin


Attendance Event

New and returning players will have the opportunity to obtain various rewards such as Full Awakening Token, and SSR hero ticket

Other new content, such as New Death Match: Original Demon and New Story Chapter 23 have been added to the game!

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The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross | Global Netmarble Rate: 4.5 Install
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