[Qoo Guide] Lord of Dungeons: Industry Guide


What are Industries in Lord of Dungeons?

Industries are unlocked at Rank 5 Baronet Title. Industries yield different positive effects that can be activated once a certain amount of Industry points have been accumulated. Obtaining points requires using resources to upgrade research count. Each industry provides a different effect that may increase capture chances, produce more resources, decrease exploration time, etc.

The following is a list of unlockable industries and effects once upgraded to max research count.

Research Industries

Lord of Dungeons

■ Rare Monster Capture

• Capture Change +10%

■ Ancient Monster Capture

• Capture Change +16%

■ Docile Monsters 101

• Intimacy Gain +30%

■ Legendary Monster Capture

• Capture Chance +18%

■ Rough Monsters 101

• Intimacy Gain +30%

■ Immortal Monster Capture

• Capture Chance +16%

■ Mythic Monster Capture

• Capture Chance +10%

■ Common Dungeon Study

• Production/Mining Yields +4.00%

■ Uncommon Dungeon Study

• Production/Mining Yields +8.00%

■ Rare Dungeon Study

• Production/Mining Yields +12.00%

■ Ancient Dungeon Study

• Production/Mining Yields +16.00%

■ Legendary Dungeon Study

• Production/Mining Yields +20.00%

■ Ancient Item Crafting

• Enables Crafting of Ancient Items

■ Legendary Combat Item

• Enables Crafting of Legendary Combat Items

■ Legendary Exploration Item

• Enables Crafting of Legendary Exploration Items

■ Legendary Station Item

• Enables Crafting of Legendary Station Items

■ Immortal Combat Item

• Enables Crafting of Immortal Combat Items

■ Immortal Exploration Item

• Enables Crafting of Immortal Exploration Items

■ Immortal Station Item

• Enables Crafting of Immortal Station Items

■ Mythic Combat Item

• Enables Crafting of Mythic Combat Items

■ Mythic Exploration Item

• Enables Crafting of Mythic Exploration Items

■ Mythic Station Item

• Enables Crafting of Mythic Station Items

Construction Industries

Lord of Dungeons

■ Starter’s Plain Road

• Decreases Stater’s Plain Exploration time -5%

■ Scattered Mountains Road

• Decreases Scattered Mountains Exploration time -10%

■ Eastern Field Road

• Decreases Eastern Field Exploration time -10%

■ Trial Gorge Road

• Decreases Trial Gorge Exploration time -15%

■ Secret Coast Road

• Decreases Secret Coast Exploration time -15%

■ Southern Desert Road

• Decreases Southern Desert Exploration time -20%

■ Forgotten City Road

• Decreases Forgotten City Exploration time -20%

■ Eastern Mountains Road

• Decreases Eastern Mountains Exploration time -20%

■ Southeastern Mountains Road

• Decreases Southeastern Mountains Exploration time -20%

■ Red Mountain Road

• Decreases Red Mountains Exploration time -25%

■ Midnight Land Road

• Decreases Midnight Land Exploration time -25%

■ Ice Mountains Road

• Decreases Ice Mountains Exploration time -25%

■ Broken Sea Road

• Decreases Broken Sea Road Exploration time -25%

■ Forest Dungeon

• Enables to build level 3 Legendary Forest Dungeons

■ Fire Dungeon

• Enables to build level 3 Legendary Fire Dungeons

■ Water Dungeon

• Enables to build level 3 Legendary Water Dungeons

■ Light Dungeon

• Enables to build level 3 Legendary Light Dungeons

■ Dark Dungeon

• Enables to build level 3 Legendary Dark Dungeons

Education Industries

Lord of Dungeons

■ Station Skill

• Increase Station Companion Stats +25

■ Exploration Skill

• Increase Exploration Companion Stats +25

■ Mining Training

• Increase all Paleologist/Archeologists Companion Stats +25

■ Transport Training

• Increase Entrepreneur/Union/Financier/Scholar/Facility Manager/Blacksmith/Tool Merchant/City Planner/ Tax Collector Companions stats +30

■ Production Training

• Increase Labor Expert/Ore Collector Companions stats +30

■ Combat Skill

• Increase Combat Stats for all companions +25

■ Discovery Training

• Increase Searcher/Seeker companion’s stats +30

■ Luck Training

• Increase Item Collector companion’s stats +30

■ Mobility Training

• Increase Explorer/Diver/Scout/Lookout companion’s stats +30

■ Physical Training

• Increase Shield Knight companion’s tats +30

■ Magic Training

  • Increase Mage companion’s stats +30

■ Heal Training

• Increase Healer Companions stats +30

■ Melee Combat Training

• Increase Adventurer Companions stats +30

■ Ranged Combat Training

• Increase Archer companion’s stats +30

■ Quarry Production

• Increase quarries yield per round +15.00%

■ Quarry Fast Production

• Decreases quarries production time per round -9.00%

■ Quarry Storage

• Increases quarries max storage +30.00%

Management Industries

Lord of Dungeons

■ Infrastructure Operation

• Increases profit from Inns, Weapon Shops, Armor Shops, and General Shops +25.00%

■ Living Facility Operation

• Increases profit from Potion shops, Accessory Shops, Markets, and Bathhouses +20.00%

■ Support Facility Operation

• Increases profit from Hospitals, Trading Posts, Temples, and Parks +15.00%

■ Cultural Facility Operation

• Increases profit from Guides, Plazas, Libraries, and Banks +10.00%

■ Guild Permit

• Enables you to construct Guilds

■ Plaza permit

• Enables you to construct Plazas

■ Bank Permit

• Enables you to construct Banks

■ Library Permit

• Enables you to construct Libraries

■ Advanced Facility Operation

• Increases profit from Ballrooms, Museums, Universities, and Observatories +5.00%

■ Ballroom Permit

• Enables you to construct Ballrooms

■ Museum Permit

• Enables you to construct Museums

■ Observatory Permit

• Enables you to construct Observatories

■ University Permit

• Enables you to construct Universities

■ Palace Facility Operation

• Increases profit from Prison, Casino, Palace Safe, and Palace +2.50%

■ Prison Permit

• Enables you to construct Prisons

■ Casino Permit

• Enables you to construct Casinos

■ Palace Safe Permit

• Enables to construct Palace Safes

■ Palace Permit

• Enables you construct Palaces

■ Super Store Discovery

• Increases your chance of discovering a Super Store +30.00%

■ Companion Essence Bounce

• Increases Essence gained from sold companions +50%

■ Level-up Cost Reduction

• Decreases the level-up cost of Companions -20%

■ Release Essence Bonus

• Increases Essence gained from release monsters +50.00%

Official Site

Lord of Dungeons: Companion Management
Lord of Dungeons: Dungeon Management


ewcdHuJgmYaquF46AnbjtU1BUY BL4hTGfGduLqbLGYiDF91EE jrY gfHZ5l6HCfNY Lord of Dungeons International ver. Two Hands Games Rate: 3.5 Install
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