[Qoo Guide] Lord of Dungeons: Conquering the Dimension Cube


What Are Dimeson Cube Bosses?

Dimension Cube bosses are enemies you can battle with up to a party of eight companions to earn rare rewards. With rewards refreshing every 24 hours, there’s the possibility of obtaining new rewards every run.

There’s five bosses available when the dimension cube is unlocked. Each boss has a certain weakness and trait that will make it either difficult or easy to battle. Even at level one, it’s recommended to carry a full party with up to three max leveled units!

Difficultly Levels

Each boss has the same difficulty level with a variety of rewards as the rarity increases. The following is a list of available difficulty levels and the required title ranks to unlock a certain level.

• Level 1 Baron Rank 1

• Level 2 Baron Rank 2

• Level 3 Baron Rank 3

• Level 4 Baron Rank 4

• Level 5 Baron Rank 6

• Level 6 Baron Rank 8

• Level 7 Baron Rank 10

• Level 8 Viscount Rank 2

• Level 9 Viscount Rank

• Level 10 Viscount Rank 6

• Level 11 Viscount Rank 9

• Level 12 Count Rank 2

• Level 13 Count Rank 5

• Level 14 Count Rank 8

• Level 15 Marquis Rank 1

• Level 16 Marquis Rank 3

• Level 17 Marquis Rank 5

• Level 18 Marquis Rank 7

• Level 19 Marquis Rank 9

• Level 20 Duke Rank 1

• Level 21 Duke Rank 3

• Level 22 Duke Rank 5

• Level 23 Duke Rank 7

• Level 24 Duke Rank 9

• Level 25 Archduke Rank 1

• Level 26 Archduke Rank 3

• Level 27 Archduke Rank 5

• Level 28 Archduke Rank 7

• Level 29 Archduke Rank 9

• Level 30 King Rank 1

Teary Runai


Avoid using mages at all costs. Runai can reflect all magic damage but it’s very weak against archers and projectile damage dealing companions. Having a strong backline of archers can quickly chip away at Runai’s health.

■ Skills

Mirror: Sends nearby enemies flying back every 7 seconds. This skill does not activate if there are no enemies nearby.

Teeth of Death: Inflicts damage to nearby enemies and knocks them back. This skill does not activate if there are no enemies nearby.

Claw of Despair: Inflicts AoE damage against distant enemies and inflicts Bleeding. If there are no distant enemies, it will deal more damage against nearby targets once every 5 seconds.

Berserk: 40 seconds after initiating battle, Runai goes into Berserk mode. Its ATK and ASPD increase while in berserk mode.

Giant Body: Ignores all knockbacks and stuns.

Impulsive Marthis


Marthis is fully equipped with range attacks that can wipe out your party if it’s not healthy enough. It also inflicts fire attacks that may inflict continuous damage, having a few healers in your backline alongside water attribute companions with a penetration block skill to avoid KO’ing your companions early in the battle will make this battle far easier to handle.

■ Skills

“Toh!”: Unleashes a powerful attack that penetrates all enemies and knocks them back. This skill can only be blocked with “Penetration Block” skill.

“Fire!”: Fires a cannon every 7 seconds inflicting fire damage. It also inflicts fire damage every 1.3 seconds for 6 seconds.

“Machine Gun!”: When HP is below 60% and 30%, fires a machine gun that stuns enemies for 2 seconds and deals damage.

“It’s Time!”: 45 seconds after initiating battle, fires a cannon that inflicts heavy damage to all enemies.

Giant Body: Ignores knockbacks and stuns.

Tired Melkui


Avoid bringing units that use projectiles to attack as that damage will be reflected, especially for archers. Bringing Archers to battle against Melkui will equal a devastating loss. Using a combination of tanks and adventures to quickly wither away at Melkuis health. The goal is to defeat Melkui under 45 seconds before a definite loss.

■ Skills

Throw Reflection: Reflects all incoming damage from projectiles.

“ZAP, ZAP!”: Shocks and deals damage to nearby targets, decreasing their MSPD.

“BZAP!”: Unleashes a powerful attack once every 8 seconds, knocking targets back. Casts a buff that reflects 30% of all incoming Magic damage for 4 seconds.

Bye, Bye: Charges and launches an attack 45 seconds after initiating battle, it KO’s all enemies.

Giant Body: Ignores knockbacks and stuns.

Cheerful Yowis


Yowis can distance itself from your companions easily. Knocking back enemies while avoiding incoming attacks. Have a back line of mages and archers to take down Yowis rather quickly is recommended, as it focuses on shredding down your tanks, leaving your backline safe.

■ Skills

Sonorous Shout: Deals damage and stuns nearby enemies for 2 seconds. This skill is used right after Hard Head but can be canceled if enemies get close.

Powerful Teeth: Bites nearby targets, knocking them back and causes bleeding effect. Bleeding deals damage overtime.

Hard Head: Head-butts nearby targets, knocking itself and the targets back.

Come Here: Unleashes three consecutive bites which is immediately followed by pulling two targets with the highest HP in front of it.

Agile Body: Ignores all knockbacks and stuns. Unleashes into Berserk mode for 60 seconds.

Lonesome Weneris


A boss that can deal massive damage to your mages, healers, and archers. Keeping a distance against this boss is recommended for a party last long enough to defeat it. Supplying a team with a plentiful frontline of tanks with high defense and adventures can keep it at bay from the back line.

■ Skills

Gold Sword: Swings its sword at nearby enemies, dealing damage.

Stab: A powerful attack at a single target that deals damage and knocks the target back.

Power of Earth: Launches all enemies into the air every 8 seconds dealing damage.

Berserk: Initiates berserk mode for 60 seconds at the beginning of the battle.

Golden Body: Reflects 30% incoming damage from shield knights and adventures. Ignores all knockbacks and stuns.


Lord of Dungeons: Companion Management
Lord of Dungeons: Industry Guide


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