【Qoo@DT2016】Interview of Hunger Dungeon developer



Besides mobile games, there were some online indie PC game developers in DT2016. The Hunger Dungeon is one of it.

Hunger Dungeon

Hunger Dungeon is a 1-6 round based Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game. Enter a cutthroat arena with more than 10 heroes such as Nimble Assassin, Goblin Profitter, Vagrant Ninja, Princess Ranger, Demonic Knight etc. Mix and match skill scrolls and equipments to optimize your build.


Game Play Video

Creators Interview


Q: Hi. Could you introduce your team to us?

A: Yes, we all full-time work for this game. There are four people in our team, two artists and one major programmer. I am the project manager of this game and work as an assistant programmer also (laugh).

Q: Is it your first time to make a game?

A: If you mean a complete version, yes, Hunger Dungeon is our first game. We gave up another prototype before, which is a 3D sandbox game, like Minecraft. That cost a lot of time so we gave up in the end.

Q: Why you finally decide to make this game?

A: We were classmates in college and make a PvP game as our final year project. Also, the major programmer deeply prefer PIXEL style so we finally made a game like this. There are 10 characters in the game now, we will continue to add some other soon, and the game is total free for players.

Steam : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=581840455
Official Exchange Website: https://www.facebook.com/HungerDungeon