【Qoo News】SEGA’s new work “SOUL REVERSE ZERO” manga version to be released and to be drawn by “日森よしの ”.


SEGA Japan is set to release their smartphone new work “SOUL REVERSE ZERO” (iOS/Android) around November. Today November 2nd, the first episode came out.


[SOUL REVERSE ZERO] is a multi platformed IP plan. The manga series will be done by “日森よし” which also drew [Tales of Vesperia]. Currently the manga is released on the official game website, Q eggs who are interested go check it out!

The story of mobile game “SOUL REVERSE ZERO” starts in a world called “古拉尼迪亞”. The peace of this world is maintain by 7 guardians and witches called “勒里古斯”. But a very strong dark force “Recorded servant” disrupted the peace and is leading the world to destruction. The “Lord of Soul” was summoned to go on an adventure to save the world.


ohLOWhYGtyFmOjxxArGW5qKGFTjntuJEN2f3DaWzU2X9JMQ6bLaI zNhPmtXQt0i96Nq=w300 Soul Reverse Zero | 日版 SEGA CORPORATION :

在〈【Qoo News】SEGA’s new work “SOUL REVERSE ZERO” manga version to be released and to be drawn by “日森よしの ”.〉中有 2 則留言
