[Qoo News] Dissidia Final Fantasy’s Sephiroth joins the arcade game series


Dissidia Final Fantasy’s Sephiroth will join the arcade game version of the game in late November, SQUARE ENIX said.


Sephiroth is the main antagonist that serves Shinra Electric Company as the strongest warrior and a legendary hero in Final Fantasy VII. Then he starts developing hatred for humans after learning the truth behind his birth. He is one of the most popular character in the franchise.

This Dissidia Final Fantasy is based on the same title on PSP. Characters from the entire Final Fantasy franchise are available to be chosen for 3 VS 3 gameplay. The mobile version, Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia, is an RPG game expected to be released this year. It is developed by Team NINJA who also produced the Ninja Gaiden series.

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