【Qoo@IGS2016】訪談!「Defenders Saga (ディフェンダーズ サーガ)」Developer Interviews



Would you mind introducing yourself to the readers of QooApp?

我本身沒有在遊戲界工作的經驗,所以Defenders Saga就是我第一個作品。Defenders Saga由我domia和另外一個夥伴Amebiyori兩人製作。每天一邊吃軟糖、酸奶和喝能量飲品,一邊開發遊戲。還有,我超喜歡貓的!
I do not have any working experience in the world of gaming, so DEFENDERS SAGA is my first product. DEFENDERS SAGA was created by me Domia and my partner Amebiyori together. Everyday I eat candy, drink yogurt drinks while making the game. Also I am obsessed with cats.

Why did you decide to enter the world of indie gaming? And why mobile games?

其實很久之前已經打算製作遊戲。後來在四年前終於能抽空,也不需要任何上架費那些,於是便開始開發當時興起的手遊。之後就一直在製作Defenders Saga了~
Actually I’ve been interested in making games since some time ago. It took me 4 years to be able to find time and resources, then I began making mobile games which became popular at the time. This is how DEFENDERS SAGA started.

How would you describe the game? (Advantages, themes)

We decided to use a defenders concept because it makes the game easy to control and relaxing to play and most of all it is suitable as a mobile game. We hope that the players will experience pleasure while using abilities and strategies to defend against the monsters. For the ultimate experience, this game is suitable for all ages. In this game you can also move your troops and use abilities. Even if you are sick of defender games, you should give it a try.

Can you share some experiences you had while making the game? After the game was released?

The best experience I had from making this game are the good reviews people gave us. It gave me so much joy and happiness, I am so grateful.

What about your thoughts on the current state of gaming?

I feel that mobile games nowadays are pretty good. Although competition is higher now and it is harder to succeed. But since there is a platform for creators to showcase their products, as long as it is a good product, even if it’s only one person making the game, there is a chance of success.

What does the future hold?

期望能邊擴張Defenders Saga,邊開發其他新遊戲。
I wish to expand defenders saga and continue to create other games.

Lastly, are there any things you want to say to the QooApp community?

希望大家享受Defenders Saga!!
I hope you all will enjoy defenders saga.

Defenders Saga Domia 評分: 4.0 安裝