[Qoo News] Fate/Grand Order will be launching the final stage soon



Fate/Grand Order (iOS/Android) will be launching the final stage, Salomon(終局特異点 冠位時間神殿 ソロモン), in late December.

Players have to clear Babylonia before playing Salomon. Clearing this final stage will be a joint effort by all masters who participate. Servants’ bond levels are also necessary for winning the battle. Using Shielder (Matthew Kyrielite) in this stage will trigger a special effect that is yet to be revealed.

▼ Salomon’s key visual

elp6k3hPfqnB0kL4OolsUyyK4OhOyaqS8gQC1RhDlnusZrCwUTR4d7eC7HkYpQJMPQ Fate/Grand Order | 日版 Aniplex Inc. :