Aniplex unveiled that Nier Automata Ver1.1a, the television anime adaptation of Yoko Taro and Platinum Game’s NieR: Automata game, is debuting in January 2023.
The anime also revealed new key visuals and preview videos, featuring 2B and 9S. Yui Ishikawa and Natsuki Hanae will be playing the roles of 2B and 9S respectively, along with Hiroki Yasumoto as Pod 042 and Kaoru Akiyama as Pod 153.

▍Aniplex Online Fest Panel
▍Nier Automata Ver1.1a Promotion Files

▍Nier Automata Ver1.1a Story
Nier Automata Ver1.1a is an adaptation of the console and PC game of the same name, which won several awards including Best Score / Music in the 2017 Game Awards, and Game of the year at the 2017 Japan Game Awards.
The story place several years after humanity was driven off the planet by mechanical beings. In a last-ditch effort, humanity created YoRHa, an organization of powerful androids sent to wage war against the invaders. As the war rages on between android and machine, a truth is sleeping being revealed that could unravel this entire conflict, and bring about the end of YoRHa.

▍Nier Automata Ver1.1a Staff and Production
Director: Ryoji Masuyama
Series Composition: Ryouji Masuyama, Yokō Tarō
Character Design and Chief Animation Director: Jun Nakai
Music: Monaca
Animation Production: A-1 Pictures
▍Nier Automata Ver1.1a Cast
■ 2B – CV: Yui Ishikawa
■ 9S – CV: Natsuki Hanae
■ Pod 042 – CV: Hiroki Yasumoto
■ Pod 153 – CV: Kaoru Akiyama