Based on the classic ninja comedy anime series Nintama Rantarō, the smartphone puzzle game Nintama Rantarō: Mugen no Tsubo Dai Bōsō no Dan will release on October 24. The game is also available for pre-load now.
In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Nintama Rantarō anime series, Nintama Rantarō: Mugen no Tsubo Dai Bōsō no Dan is an easy-to-control puzzle game that everyone can enjoy. Players will clear different stages with the series’ signature characters and collect “Nintamas” in order to destroy Happousai’s mysterious pot that can copy anything.
▍Nintama Rantarō: Mugen no Tsubo Dai Bōsō no Dan Gameplay
The game will feature more than 30 ninjas in the anime series, each with different power and special abilities. Up to seven ninjas can be formed as a unit to challenge the stages filled with wild animals and ninja copies. The game also has an easy-to-grasp training system for you to train the characters and achieve various tasks.
▍Pre-registration Campaign
Players can now pre-register for the game via the official site or by following the official Twitter/ adding LINE friends. All players will receive in-game items for 20x gacha pulls and exclusive character [Reliable Teacher] Hansuke Doi as rewards when the milestone hits 50,000.