Gungrave G.O.R.E Unveils Playable Brandon Heat


Gungrave G.O.R.E released a new trailer featuring Brandon Heat, the original identity of Gungrave before he was reincarnated as a playable character!

This alternate version of Grave is refreshingly available as an alternate skin once you’ve completed the game on its highest difficulty, the G.O.R.E difficulty. Brandon Heat isn’t just an alternate outfit, however, as this new outfit also modifies his moves and abilities, giving you some more incentive to unlock this outfit and replay the game again!

The game launches on November 22 for the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

Gungrave G.O.R.E Brandon Heat Trailer

Gungrave G.O.R.E Worldview

As the Gunslinger of Resurrection, Grave, you’ll become the badass anti-hero fo your dreams and the ultimate killing machine. Following Garino’s defeat in Gungrave: Overdose, Mika searched for anything she could in the world to eradicate the SEEDs. After the events of GG VR, Mika finds a small organization with the same goals, and together with Grave at her side, they team up with this new group, to eliminate the evil organization SEEDs once and for all.

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Gungrave G.O.R.E Gameplay

The game is third-person shooter, with you taking control of Grave and shooting, cutting, and dicing up enemies along the way with his deadly arsenal of weapons from his transformable EVO-Coffin. Mix close-quarters melee combat with deadly guns to string together combos, reaching maximum style and damage.

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Pre-Order Bonuses

You can pre-order the game now to receive two unique outfits for Grave, including the Death Ronin Grave outfit, and the O.D. Grave outfit from Overdose

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