Project Sekai Announces Artist Tie-Ups with Heavenz and Ryo Haruka


SEGA’s Project Sekai Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku rhythm mobile game has confirmed new tie-ups with music artists Heavenz and Ryo Haruka during the monthly live stream program “Wandasho channel #26” broadcasted on November 22.

The program also revealed multiple new playable songs that will be added to the game in the future, together with tons of updates and events.

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Project Sekai New Artist Tie-Ups!

Heavenz and Ryo Haruka will join Project Sekai as the new artist tie-ups! Heavens will be producing a new song for MORE MORE JUMP and Ryo Haruka will produce a song for Vivid Bad Squad. More information about their songs will be revealed at a later date.

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New Playable Songs Coming to Project Sekai!

Several songs were added to the Project Sekai rhythm game, including one song that was composed by HoneyWorks, as part of the 12th Music Contest Project Sekai NEXT!

■ Lonely Universe (ロンリーユニバース)
Lyrics / Composition: aqu3ra

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■ Noblesse Oblige (ノンブレス・オブリージュ)
Lyrics / Composition: PINKIOPII

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■ Atta Kaito (あったかいと)
Lyrics / Composition: halyosy

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■ Stardust Utopia (星屑ユートピア)
Lyrics / Composition: otetsu

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■ Himadari no Setsuna (陽だまりのセツナ)
Lyrics / Composition: Akano Y

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■ Hurray (フレー)
Lyrics / Composition: HoneyWorks

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VocaSekai Collaboration Project

In the VocaSekai collaboration project between VocaCollection 2022 Autumn and Project Sekai, the addition of Hoshikai-chan to Kafu-chan no Otsukai Gassenkyoku (lyrics and music by Minami Nonami) and Tenshi no Tsubasa (lyrics and music by A4.) were decided to be added. These two songs are scheduled to be recorded in February 2023 and added to the game at a later date.

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Happy Birthday, Shizuku! (2022)

December 6 is MORE MORE JUMP’s Hinomori Shizuku birthday! To celebrate, a special Virtual Live will be held on the day of her birthday, where you can get the “Happy Birthday, Shizuku! (2022)” Title card, and buy a special accessory through the Shop!

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System Updates Coming to Project Sekai!

And yet another slew of updates is coming to Project Sekai! These include an improved display of live missions, the addition of a Favorites function, the addition of a Focus Camera function to Virtual Live and Connect Live, and the ability to view and change live costumes on the “View MV” member confirmation screen. Here’s a full list:

■ Easily change your members’ MV costumes directly from the MV Screen before you start Lives!

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■ Focus Camera
In this mode, you can select a specific character. For the entirety of the Virtual Live, the camera will keep zooming in on a specific character.

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■ Favorite Playlist
There are just so many songs in Project Sekai! As such, a new Favorites Playlist has been added. You can add up to five soundtracks that you play often and then add them to your list so that they’re easily searchable later.

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■ Live Mission Display
Now, when finishing a Live, if you are in the middle of doing a daily mission or an achievement, a small bar will appear in the results screen, indicating how close you are to completing the mission.

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Project Sekai x ZOZOTOWN Collab Coming on December 23!

The release date of the collaboration products with the fashion shopping site ZOZOTOWN has been set for December 23. In addition, a newly-drawn illustration will be released on the official SNS in December.

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Wonderlands x Showtime 3rd Single Jacket Design!

The 3rd Single of the Wonderlands x Showtime group will be released on February 15, 2023. The songs will be Tondemo Wonders (lyrics and music by sasakure.UK) and Glory Steady Go! (lyrics and music by Kinoshita).

The jacket design by Tama (@tamak0) has also been revealed! You can view it below:

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Project Sekai Championship Autumn 2022

The Project Sekai Championship 2022 Autumn’s final match will be broadcast live on the official YouTube channel from 3:00 p.m. JST on November 26, 2022.

The winner of this championship will have their song incorporated into the game!

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Project Sekai Colorful Live 2nd Will

The live concert “Project Sekai COLORFUL LIVE 2nd Will”will be held at Makuhari Messe from January 7 to 9, 2023, and at INTEX Osaka on February 25 and 26, 2023, and will be distributed online for a fee. Details of the live streaming and the preview tickets will be announced later on the official website.

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Sekai Symphony 2022 Costume Exhibition

To celebrate the release of Sekai Symphony 2022 on Blu-ray & CD, a talk event as well as a costume exhibition will be held. Details on this event and how to participate can be found on the official Sekai Symphony website and Tower Records Shibuya Store event page.

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Sekai Symphony 2023

The Sekai Symphony 2023 will be held on June 10, 2023 at the Pacifico Yokohama National Grand Hall. The details can be found on the official Sekai Symphony website and official Twitter (@sekaisymphony).

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qv39ayUgY nTSlc9ta3jZv6cjEzqoRbQ9koV5H65Nzlvj10D198mDtmDN6 PbbKTDI Project Sekai Colorful Stage Feat. Hatsune Miku | Japanese SEGA CORPORATION Rate: 4.7 Install
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