[Qoo App Weekly] 2017 July Week #2 – All Your Favorite Manga Comes to Mobile with Shonen Jump’s Ore Collection



▍Video Version:

▍Weekly Shonen Jump Ore Collection!


Japanese Gamer Reactions:
"The effects are great, but the gameplay is pretty bad…"
"Hey! Where’s Slam Dunk?!""Maybe in a new Gaccha"
"No point in re-drawing since they’ll release an Ultimate Goku in the future, right?"
"When you look at it like this, it doesn’t look like there’s anything especially good after 2010"

This game’s presentation is extremely attractive. The Shonen Jump cover and manga sequence skill animation is highly innovative, but it would be great if developers spent just a little more time on gameplay.

Instead of calling it a game, it is more suitable to call Ore Collection
a History of Japanese Manga app. Due to the lack of story and gameplay,
the only thing that keeps players around is the small cut-outs from iconic series from the past. The all-star grade cast of characters of the game is wasted by the bland gameplay, which is reflected by the low player base, since we’re now in a generation where there are kids who as never watched the original Dragonball series!

Without having a long history with Shonen Jump, Ore Collection is just a collection of characters with little meaning.

▍Everybody’s Golf


Japanese Gamer Reactions:
"Pretty interesting, the character customizations alone got me hooked!"
"after a while the game feels like it’s Pay-to-Win"
"it’s good for a while, but after a while it gets pretty boring. Afterall, it is just a mobile version of the game."

This series has already reached many different platforms, the new mobile release hasn’t let fans down. The character customization is as intricate as ever, continuing the strong foundations of the series. As a golf themed game, the game surely doesn’t disappoint. Definitely worth trying for golf lovers.

▍Matsuri Odorita Girl
おどりたが~る! 祭短し踊れよ乙女


Japanese Gamer Reactions:
"Almost completely sure this is the first @#$% game of the year."
"Can’t believe they released a game like this in 2017."
"So bad it gave me a fright…"

The concept of the game is quite fresh, but the actual gameplay is purely based on stats. Players roll for new outfits to increase their stats
to perform better. The game’s system is similar to that of browser game.
The overall feel of the game is out-of-date, a waste of the great concept.

▍For Whom the Alchemist Exists [Chinese Version]


Gamer Reactions:
"As expected, the game is so much better when you understand the story!"
"The Japanese version is too far ahead, even if you pay a fortune, you still might not catch up."
"As long as you persevere, you’ll have a bunch of Five-Star Characters!"

The biggest difference between the Chinese version and the Japanese version is the unreleased content, which (obviously) will eventually catch up.

Improving on the original shard base system, the Chinese gacha features full characters, which is a lot more friendly to free-to-play players.
The improvements don’t just stop there, terrain and class different are more significant, making the game far more strategic.

Alongside the already compelling story, the game is pretty much a winner.
The detailed lore and character backstory is hard to find in mobile games nowadays.

▍Hortensia Saga [Chinese Version]


Gamer Reactions:
"The story is great, the art is great, and the new improvements actually makes you want to keep playing."
"Finally the third act, the system should be more friendly now, right?"
"The story isn’t bad, but it’s so time consuming, don’t really have the time to play properly…"

This game focuses on art, story, and strategy. Recently the Chinese version has finally release of the third act of the story.

The story is set in a medieval world and revolves around the protagonist’s adventures that witnesses the rise and fall of the kingdom.

The game features new improvements, not including the strategy PvP which wasn’t the most loved aspect of the game, the other content is also enough to keep players busy.

So if you can’t catch up in the Japanese version, give the Chinese version a shot.

lY5TQMArbReEnJ02 6OvmG0nRnTe5cvDRCnyZyRyZdav sB1yGcSq26wXfYWjWkca7o=w300 Hortensia Saga | Traditional Chinese Auer Media & Entertainment :
Weekly Jump Heroes Battle! My Collection 2 BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. :
xYXugkNy coN Everybody's Golf ForwardWorks Rate: 4.1 Install
おどりたが~る! 祭短し踊れよ乙女 Visualworks Co., Ltd. :
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