Baccano! Light Novel Series Gets Manga Set in 1700s


Ryōgo Narita’s light novel series Baccano! is officially getting a web manga series titled Baccano! ~ from the 1700s ~ under DMM’s Gigatoon Studio web manga label.

If you’ve never heard of Baccano!, it’s a light novel series set in multiple eras and locations, though primarily set in the 1900s era of the United States, particularly during the prohibition era. The original events of the light novel cover an elixir of immortality, and a group of thieves accidentally coming across it and consuming the mixture without realizing its worth.

As mentioned, the light novel series is set in the 18th century, and this time follows an alchemist apprentice called Huey Laforet before he becomes caught up in the plot of a masked serial killer called the Mask Maker, and has to investigate and stop them.

Chapters of the manga in Japanese are available on DMM Books, though each chapter requires a small fee of JPY$165 for reading, though you can read the first few pages of Chapter 1 for free.

Baccano! From the 1700s

About Baccano!

Baccano! is a light novel series written by Ryōgo Narita, a prolific author who’s also responsible for many other popular works including Fate/strange Fake, Hariyama-San, Bleach: Spirits are Forever With You, and of course Durarara!!

Baccano! follows a series of events all between the 1700s to 1900s prohibition. Over the course of these time periods, several events lead to the creation of the elixir of immortality, and a small group of individuals and people connecting together with different goals and dreams. The meeting of these people eventually leads to several incidents and battles as the New York Drug War rages on, and the group find themselves with the Elixir of Immortality.

The manga series primarily focuses on the 1700s, which is the earliest era of the Baccano! Light novel series, and follows a young alchemist who will likely become involved in the creation of the Elixir of Immortality, which leads to the rest of the events in the series.

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