Source: Game Deets
Smash & Magic (スマッシュ&マジック) has finally made its way to Android and iOS. With its abundance of team creations and character abilities, you can create a mix of teams to aid you in battle. With many high-ranking characters appearing, it’s difficult to figure out which ones are worth using or keeping in your inventory.
Below is a comprehensive list of best characters to use per job. This will cover characters that are currently in-game and are available through the gacha.
▍Knight Job
■ Aine (アイネ)
Magic Attacks:
Spinning Fang (スピニングファング)
• Cost 3 Mana
• Strong stone shaped attack towards target area
Deadly Dive (デッドリーダイブ)
• Cost 4 Mana
• Sharply descends from the sky and releases an intense shock wave
• Damage increases against Dragon Tribe units
Dragon Guard (ドラゴンガード)
• 30% decreased damage received from Dragon Tribe units
Aene has a lot of high durability. An overall great tank for any team when going up against Dragon tribe bosses. Make sure to learn the Dragon Guard ability and Deadly Dive ability for a strong combination against those mighty dragons.
■ Fin (フィン)
Magic Attacks:
Fortress (フォートレス)
• Cost 2 Mana
• Taunt for one turn, making it easier for you to be targeted by enemies
Sacrifice (犠牲)
• Cost 5 Mana
• For 2 turns, absorb any damage received from the nearest allie
Stunning tolerance (気絶耐性)
• Resistance to abnormalities by 30% when an ally faints
The beefiest tank that there is, Fin! He may not be the strongest damage dealer but Fin plays a critical role in absorbing enemies attacks and protecting nearby allies from their imminent death.
■ Asia (アーシア)
Magic Attacks:
Charge lance (チャージランス)
• Cost 3 Mana
• Charge and release a strong blow toward targeted area
Super Armor (スーパーアーマー)
• Cost 3 Mana
• Reduced knockback and damage taken for 3 turns
Freezing tolerance (凍結耐性)
• Resistance to being frozen by 30%
Asia carries one of the highest attack stats among the rest of the knights. With enough firepower and survivability, she can punch through the beefiest of enemies with ease. Not a very good unit for protecting your allies but an aggressive unit at best.
▍Sword Fighter Job
■ Hikari (ヒカリ)
Magic Attacks:
Sonic Wave (ソニックウェーブ)
• Cost 3 Mana
• Release a shockwave, damaging enemies in front
Flash rush (フラッシュラッシュ)
• Cost 4 Mana
• Move at high speed and slashes enemies while reflecting off walls and enemies
Enhancement of light attribute (光属性強化)
• 30% increase in light attribute damage
Sonic wave is a short-range attack that covers a wide range of an area in front of Hikari. Positioning with Hikari is a bit difficult due to her Flash Rush skill that can drastically change her positioning, which may help or break Hikari in the long run. Use Flash Rush to quickly clear weak enemies and to get out of a bad bind if needed.
■ Fulio (フューリオ)
Magic Attacks:
Rising Blade (ライジングソード)
• Cost 2 Mana
• Uppercuts nearby enemies, launching them in the air dealing damage
Earth Breaker (ランドブレイカー)
• Cost 5 Mana
• Damages all enemies in front of Fulio, dealing powerful damage
Dragon Killer (ドラゴンキラー)
• 50% increased damage against Dragon types
Earth Breaker is an AOE damaging ability that attacks all enemies in front of Fulio. Use it to clear small waves of enemies and deal damage against bigger enemies. Rising sword can damage and launch up to three nearby enemies! So position yourself correctly before using this powerful ability.
■ Schwarz (シュヴァルツ)
Magic Attacks:
Stinger (スティンガー)
• Cost 2 Mana
• Rushes forward and hits enemies’ multiple times
Sonic Blade (ソニックブレイド)
• Cost 3 Mana
• Shoots a sonic blade forward damaging enemy in front
Death Counter (デスリバース)
• Cost 3 Mana
• Counter attacks when damaged by a short-ranged attack
Strengthen the dark attribute (闇属性強化)
• Increases dark attributes damage by 30%
Death Counter is an excellent ability to use against high damaging closed-ranged enemies, especially bosses. Able to fight back with taking damage and tanking a critical hit that could mean imminent death. Schwarz is useful in countering light enemies due to his dark attribute strengthening ability, so make sure to equip a powerful dark attribute weapon for maximum damage!
▍Warrior Job
■ Riot (ライオット)
Magic Attacks:
Shared Pain (シェアードペイン)
• Cost 2 Mana
• Sacrifice some HP to deal damage to enemies
War Cry (ウォークライ)
• Cost 2 Mana
• Taunts for one turn, causing enemies to target Riot
Cyclone (サイクロン)
• Cost 5 Mana
• Creates a cyclone which attracts nearby enemies and deals damage
Ajin killer (亜人キラー)
• 50% Increased damage against Ajin
A warrior with lots of dexterity. Able to one shot small enemies, it can break through many barriers but be careful when it comes to using his Shared Pain ability! He can faint if used incorrectly. Riot’s cyclone ability is excellent for clearing the entire board but it won’t be able to attract nearby bosses’ due to their size.
■ Magnolia (マグノリア)
Magic Attacks:
Hell Impact (ヘルインパクト)
• Cost 4 Mana
• Travels in a rotating tornado at a target location, damaging any enemies it meets
Flaming Swing (ホットスイング)
• Cost 3 Mana
• Scoops up any enemies in front and launches them at a target location
Freezing tolerance (凍結耐性)
• 30% resistance in being frozen
With heavy mana consumption, Magnolia still packs a punch against normal and tough bosses. Able to deal high amounts of damage and knockback, she’s a powerful fighter with power punching abilities. Able to change target multiple enemies with a single skill and change her positioning while dealing heavy amounts of damage.
■ Douglas (ダグラス)
Magic Attacks:
War Cry (ウォークライ)
• Cost 2 Mana
• Taunts for one turn, causing enemies to target Douglas
Demolition (デモリッション)
• Cost 4 Mana
• Attacks the ground with a mighty blow, damaging enemies in front
Crustacean killer (甲殻キラー)
• 50% Increase damage against Crustacean types
Douglas may be expensive when it comes to consuming mana but his skills give off powerful blows at any enemies in the way. It can shred away boss’s health with relative ease and can tank many hits. His magical power may not be high but his high health makes up for it.
▍Thieve Job
■ Marie (マリー)
Magic Attacks:
Booby Trap (ブービートラップ)
• Cost 5 Mana
• Place a trap in front that restrains and damages any enemies caught
Mirakuru ★ Shoot (みらくる★シュート)
• Cost 3 Mana
• Releases a magical ball at a target location, damaging any enemies that come in contact with
Crustacean killer (甲殻キラー)
• Increased damage against Crustacean types
Mary’s booby trap ability is an excellent skill that can trap any enemy’s incoming your way! With the downside of a high mana cost, it’s a powerful ability that’s worth using in critical conditions. So plan accordingly!
■ Nagi (ナギ)
Magic Attacks:
Spider catch (スパイダーキャッチ)
• Cost 3 Mana
• Releases a wire that grapples the first enemy it hits and draws the target closer, hitting them
Blade Trade (エクスチェンジ)
• Cost 5 Mana
• Damages a single target and changes position with that target
Poison tolerance (毒耐性)
• 30% reduction in being poisoned
Thieves are known for the main roles as an aggressive attacker but Negi switches that role around as a supporting unit! Able to switch the enemies positioning, you’ll be able to gain the upper hand in battles.
■ Lydia (リディア)
Magic Attacks:
Chain Steel (チェインスティール)
• Cost 2 Mana
• Gain increased gold when damaging enemies
Deadly Spin (大車輪)
• Cost 4 Mana
• Attacks enemies in a spinning wave
Beast Killer (獣キラー)
• 50% increased damage against Beast types
With a high attack stat and ability to increase the amount of gold obtained in fights, Lydia is an essential unit when it comes to farming. Be careful though! Thieves are known for the low health pool, so be sure to not be too aggressive with her as an attacker.
▍Archer Job
■ Delacroix (ドラクロワ)
Magic Attacks:
Target Shot (ショット)
• Cost 0 Mana
• Release arrows which knockback enemies and ricochets when it hits a wall
Gatling shot (ガトリングショット)
• Cost 3 Mana
• Shoots multiple arrows at targeted location
Eagle Arrow (イーグルアロー)
• Cost 3 Mana
• Shoots arrows that attack nearby enemies
Demon killer (魔族キラー)
• 50% increased damage against demon types
An excellent unit to have against boss fights! Able to clear waves of multiple enemies with each and low mana consumption, you can’t go wrong with using Delacroix as an aggressive fighter.
■ Tsídii (ツィティー)
Magic Attacks:
Target Shot (ショット)
• Cost 0 Mana
• Release arrows which knockback enemies and ricochets when it hits a wall
Ultra-bows (超弩弓)
• Cost 2 Mana
• Charges power and release multiple light attribute arrows
Thunder break (サンダーブレイク)
• Cost 4 Mana
• Shoots a lighting arrow at a target location and deals additional damage with lighting strike
Spirit guard (精霊ガード)
• Reduced damage from Genie enemies by 30%
Ultra-bows is an excellent ability clear waves of weak enemies with ease. With lots of opportunity to clear many waves of enemies with Ultra-bows and Thunder Break, Tsídii is a great unit to use in heavy enemy dungeons.
■ Pinoko (ピノコ)
Magic Attacks:
Target Shot (ショット)
• Cost 0 Mana
• Release arrows which knockback enemies and ricochets when it hits a wall
Fire Arrow (ファイアアロー)
• Cost 2 Mana
• Release a fire arrow at a target location
Spiral Shock (スパイラルショック)
• Cost 3 Mana
• Fires an arrow of light that damages and attracts nearby enemies as it travels
Dragon Killer (ドラゴンキラー)
• 50% increased damage against Dragon enemies
Pinoko has a relatively strong Spiral Shock skill that can change the enemies position and damage any enemies caught in the crossfire. Not much of an aggressive unit but definitely a unit that poke and cause damage overtime.
▍Magician Job
■ Peach (モモ)
Magic Attacks:
Ice Ball (アイスボール)
• Cost 1 Mana
• Releases an ice ball at a target area, can freeze enemies
Ice Blast (アイスブラスト)
• Cost 2 Mana
• Release a mid-range attack at a target area dealing damage to multiple enemies and able to freeze enemies
Splashing Wave (スプラッシュプレス)
• Cost 6 Mana
• Generates a wave of water that attacks and knockbacks all enemies
Dragon Killer (ドラゴンキラー)
• 50% increased damage against Dragon enemies
Able to freeze enemies and deal deadly damage, Peach is the ideal aggressive magician to have in your party! With relatively low mana consumption besides her third ability, which is an area of effect attack that targets all enemies in the map, Peach can target and freeze multiple enemies in her path.
■ Nonno (ノンノ)
Magic Attacks:
Explosive Lasers (爆炎レーザー)
• Cost 3 Mana
• Releases explosive flames in straight lines
Fire Tornado (ファイアストーム)
• Cost 4 Mana
• Creates a flaming tornado attacking nearby enemies
Demon’s Breath (デモンズブレス)
• Cost 5 Mana
• Generates a blast attack in a cone shape and burns enemies
Dragon Guard (ドラゴンガード)
• 30% Damage resistance against Dragon types
With Nonno’s magic abilities all being ranged, you can take out enemies from afar with relative ease. She relies heavily on her magic abilities to deal damage, so make sure to keep an eye out on that mana bar and use them wisely!
■ Ashtar (アシュタル)
Magic Attacks:
Gravity Ball (グラビボール)
• Cost 2 Mana
• Releases a gravity ball that travels at a targeted location attracting nearby enemies
Gravitational Wave (グラビトンウェーブ)
• Cost 3 Mana
• Emits a gravity wave attack in a cone shape
Black Hole (ブラックホール)
• Cost 4 Mana
• Creates black holes that inhale enemies and deals huge damage
Divine Killer (神族キラー)
• Increase damage against Divine types by 50%
Ashtar is a strong unit to use against light enemies. With relatively low many consumption abilities, Asthar can change the positioning of many enemies. Creating easier targets for your other allies to attack with ease.
▍Monk Job
■ Nastassja (ナスターシャ)
Magic Attacks:
Heal (ヒール)
• Cost 2 Mana
• Recovers HP of a single ally
Regenerate (リジェネレート)
• Cost 2 Mana
• Gradually restores HP of allies for 3 turns
Judgment (ジャッジメント)
• Cost 5 Mana
• Strong light attribute attack against enemies
Stunning Tolerance (気絶耐性)
• Resistance to fainting from abnormalities by 30%
Created with two recovery magic skills and a powerful magical attack, Nastassja packs a punch for any aggressive teams. Though her mana consumption is very heavy, try to conserve her mana and plan accordingly on when to use her healing, and judgement abilities.
■ Nisroch (ニスロク)
Magic Attacks:
Heal (ヒール)
• Cost 2 Mana
• Heals an ally in a targeted area
Big Chef (ビッグシェフ)
• Cost 6 Mana
• Converts enemies into delicious meat in exchange for health
Devil Guard (魔族ガード)
• Reduces damages received from Demon types by 30%
Nisroch has one of the best skills to heal weakened allies and defeat enemies. Being able to convert enemies into meat that your units can be able to pick up will quickly turn the tides in battle. An all-around amazing healer to carry.
■ Arisa (アリサ)
Magic Attacks:
Heal Field (ヒールフィールド)
• Cost 2 Mana
• Recovers allies HP in a selected area around Arisa
Protection (加護)
• Cost 3 Mana
• Protect a targeted ally from all damage received for one turn
Immortality Guard (不死ガード)
• Receives 30% less damaged when health is below half
Overall a great a healer that can heal all allies inside an area. Prioritize Arisa as a supportive unit due to her healing and protective abilities than as an attacker. She’s a great asset that can survive in battle and keep your units alive.