G123 Announces Sasaki and Peeps Mid-Life Revolution Game and Opens Pre-Registration


G123 announced another game in its catalog of PC and mobile browser games, with an MMORPG adaptation of Sasaki and Peeps titled Sasaki and Peeps Mid-Life Revolution coming soon.

The game lets players control Sasaki and other characters from the series, and pick from different weapon types at the start of the game that will influence their play style, from being a tank, DPS, or healer. Players can pre-register for the game now, with gifts like 100,000 coins, 40 familiar gems, 40 onigiris, 10 summoning grimoires, and 10 familiar shards granted if it reaches over 50,000 pre-registrations.

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About Sasaki and Peeps Mid-Life Revolution

Sasaki and Peeps Mid-Life Revolution is an upcoming browser-based MMORPG based on the popular light novel series by Buncololi and illustrated by Kantoku. The series began first as a web novel before later being released in physical print, and the series is still ongoing with its 7th volume being released on May 25 in Japan.

The series follows salaryman Sasaki who decided to adopt a pet bird called Peeps, who it turns out happens to be a powerful sage from another world. Peeps gives Sasaki the ability to travel to another fantasy-like world, and Sasaki uses the opportunity to export common household gifts from our world to the fantasy world for profits and to seek a leisurely lifestyle. Things begin to go awry when Sasaki’s exploits lead to him having to deal with the supernatural not just in the other world, but in his home world, and he has to figure out a way to stop it!

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The game is an MMORPG where players can team up with others in raids, dungeons, and other overworld combat scenarios against monsters with a variety of roles a player can take on based on their choice of weapons.

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