The official website for the second anime adaptation of Osamu Tezuka’s classic Dororo series has revealed a new PV alongside the voice cast of the new adaptation! The second Dororo anime adaptation is set to air in Japan in January 2019.
The original manga series was first serialized in Weekly Shonen Sunday in 1967. The story revolves around a ronin, Hyakkimaru and a young orphan thief Dororo. Before he was born, Hyakkimaru’s birth father, Daigo Kagmitsu, forged a pact with 48 sealed demons. In exchange for the power to rule the world, each demon will obtain a piece of his unborn child’s (Hyakkimaru) body, allowing them to roam the world.
Due to the pact, Hyakkimaru was born without limbs, facial features, and internal organs. To prevent him from being killed by his father, Hyakkimaru’s mother (Nuinokata) set him adrift on a river where he was found and raised by Dr. Jukai, a doctor who gave him prosthetic limbs. The series follows Hayykimaru as he travels the war-torn countryside to hunt down the 48 demons to regain his lost body parts.
▍Characters & Casts
■ Hyakkimaru (百鬼丸)
■ Dororo (どろろ)
■ Biwamaru (琵琶丸)
■ Daigo Kagmitsu (醍醐景光)
■ Tahomaru (多宝丸)
■ Dr. Jukai (寿海)
■ Nuinokata (縫の方)
▍First PV