The first mobile game of original TV anime series Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress, Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress – Ran: Hajimaru Michiato (甲鉄城のカバネリ-乱- 始まる軌跡), is now available on mobile and DMM’s browser game platform.
This spin-off game by DMM is set three months after the end of the TV anime and takes place in a fictional place called Nakanokuni. Besides characters from the TV anime, there will also be characters exclusive to the game. For example, Kaname (CV: Shohei Komatsu), Haya (CV: Tomoyo Kurosawa), and Chihiro (CV: Yuichiro Umehara) are the mains who have never been seen before.
The battle system is a simple command RPG that runs on auto. Players are required to tap skills at the right time, and of course players can turn on auto skills as well.
Players will receive all pre-registration gifts as all miles were reached long before launch.
10,000: Kagachi x100 (clear)
30,000: Kagachi x100 (clear)
50,000: Kagachi x100 (clear)
100,000: Kagachi x400 + Takumi (clear)
200,000: Kagachi x100 (clear)
300,000: Kagachi x400 + Biba + ★4 guranteed ticket (clear)
400,000: Kagachi x200 (clear)
500,000: Kagachi x400 + Skill strengthening item Biba + Skill strengthening item Takumi (clear)