Runes in Onmyoji are similar to the runes in Summoners Wars. There are a total of 28 sets of runes, each with different 4 set bonuses. Of the 28 runes, 24 of them can be obtained throughout the main story and through the Rune dungeon drops throughout the week. The remaining 4 are exclusive to the in-game shop which refreshes every hour or by paying 3 in-game premium currency. Runes are separated into 6 ranks, 1 being the weakest and 6 being the strongest. Players can also level up their runes to a maximum of 15 levels, each level will improve the primary stat of your rune.
Rune Dungeon
The Rune Dungeon is available to players everyday drops are fixed on different weekdays, so it is important to know which day your desired rune is available. On weekends, Rune Dungeons will have a chance to drop any of the 24 sets available via Rune Dungeon. Below I’ll show the rewards available by weekday.
2 set bonus: HP + 15%
4 set bonus: Create shield equivalent to 10% Max HP when hit by a Critical Hit, 30% Chance to apply this effect on allies. [self: 100%, allies: 30%]
2 set bonus: Defense + 30%
4 set bonus: 12% chance to freeze target on hit
2 set bonus: Attack + 15%
4 set bonus: Deal 30% more damage if target is under a crowd control
2 set bonus: Crit Chance + 15%
4 set bonus: Crit Hits ignores 20% Defense
2 set bonus: Attack + 15%
4 set bonus: 35% chance to perform a counter (auto)attack when hit
2 set bonus: Crit Chance + 15%
4 set bonus: Allies (self included) under Crowd Control effects gain 30 speed
2 set bonus: Defense + 30%
4 set bonus: 50% Chance to gain 2 flames at the start of wearer’s turn
2 set bonus: HP + 15%
4 set bonus: At the end of wearer’s turn, regain 15% of Max HP if HP is 30% or lower
2 set bonus: Hp + 15%
4 set bonus: Reduce damage taken by 30%
2 set bonus: Defense + 30%
4 set bonus: 25% chance to confuse on hit
2 set bonus: Attack + 15%
4 set bonus: Gain 3 flame per fallen enemy
2 set bonus: Status Effect Resist + 12%
4 set bonus: 25% chance to inflict a random debuff on hit
2 set bonus: HP + 15%
4 set bonus: + 20% to all healing effects
2 set bonus: Defense + 30%
4 set bonus: 20% chance to sleep on hit
2 set bonus: Attack + 15%
4 set bonus: Deal an additional 50% damage on targets on 30% or lower hp
2 set bonus: Crit Chance + 15%
4 set bonus: 40% chance on crit attacks to deal 10% of enemy’s health + 120% attacker’s attack as additional damage
2 set bonus: Attack + 15%
4 set bonus: Convert 20% of damage dealt to HP
2 set bonus: HP + 15%
4 set bonus: 30% chance to reflect 100% damage when hit
2 set bonus: Defense + 30%
4 set bonus: 20% chance to delay target’s turn by 30& on hit, additional 10% chance on buffed target
2 set bonus: HP + 15%
4 set bonus: 8% chance to stun enemies on hit
2 set bonus: Crit Chance + 15%
4 set bonus: Deal an additional 40% damage to targets over 70% HP
2 set bonus: Status Effect Chance + 15%
4 set bonus: Create a shield equivalent to 10% of wearer’s HP for all allies for 1 turn when battle starts
Weekend Exclusive (Saturday + Sunday)
2 set bonus: Status Effect Chance + 15%
4 set bonus: Grants additional 3 flames on wearer’s first turn, refreshes per battle (i.e. Rune Dungeons have 3 stages/battles, stage 1 wearer’s turn grants 3 flames, stage 2 first turn grants another 3 flames on wearer’s turn, boss stage grants another 3 flames on wearer’s turn)
Main Storyline Exclusive
2 set bonus: Attack + 15%
4 set bonus: 20% to gain a bonus turn at the end of each turn
Shop Exclusives
2 set bonus: Defense + 30%
4 set bonus: + 30% of healing received
2 set bonus: Status Effect Resist + 12%
4 set bonus: When hit, counter (auto)attack on a random enemy, this attack deals an additional 50% damage
2 set bonus: Crit Chance + 15%
4 set bonus: When wearer last hits an enemy recover 15% of Max HP
2 set bonus: Crit Chance + 15%
4 set bonus: Gain 0.6% Crit Damage per 1% missing HP
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