[Qoo News] Quiz RPG: The World of Mystic Wiz Confirmed Collaboration with TV Anime “A Certain Magical Index III” and “A Certain Scientific Accelerator”


COLOPL’s Quiz RPG: The World of Mystic Wiz (クイズRPG 魔法使いと黒猫のウィズ) announces a collaboration with TV anime “A Certain Magical Index III” (とある魔術の禁書目録III) and “A Certain Scientific Accelerator” (とある科学の一方通行).

magical index

The game has released three PV, which invites the anime’s voice cast to record a new script about the collaboration, together with the signature scene of the anime.

The collaboration story will set at the graduation ceremony in Chrome Magna Magic School (クロム・マグナ魔道学園), a series released in the game four years ago. Signature characters from the anime will be joining the series protagonist Itsuki (イツキ) and Rinka (リンカ) for an unexpected adventure.


Collaboration Campaign

Part of the collaboration questions have been revealed and players that answer all the questions correctly will have a chance to win the signing boards of the anime’s voice cast, including Atsushi Abe (阿部 敦), Nobuhiko Okamoto (岡本 信彦), Yuka Iguchi (井口 裕香), Rina Hidaka(日高 里菜), Rina Satō (佐藤 利奈), Satomi Arai (新井 里美) and Aki Toyosaki (豊崎 愛生).


Stay tuned at QooApp for the collaboration details!

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