Today (14th September), the first public day of Tokyo Game Show 2019, Bandai Namco held a special Gundam stage event. During the first portion of the stage special, Bandai Namco revealed more information on the previously announced Gundam: The Iron-Blooded Orphans official mobile app which is now officially titled “Gundam: The Iron-Blooded Orphans G”. The Gundam: The Iron-Blooded Orphans G corner was held by the app’s producers.
The new app is a multimedia project which features a game and a spin-off anime series (Gundam: The Iron-Blooded Orphans Urs Hunt) of the Iron-Blooded Orphans in the app. During the Stage special, a new PV was released introducing the new spin-off story. The story will feature new original characters and original mobile suits, but key characters from the main Iron-Blooded Orphans series will also make an appearance alongside their mobile suits.
▲ Wistario Afam
▲(L)Demunaa Kido Junior (R)Korunaru Kousa
▲ (L) Renji Dubrisko (L) Cyclase Mayer
Mobile Suits
▲ Gundam Hajiroboshi – Wistario Afam
(L) Enzo – Renji Dubrisko (R) Schwable Custom – Cyclase Mayer
Full 3D Rendered
During the stage special, the producers also teased small gameplay footage featuring the new original mobile suit, Hajiroboshi fully rendered in 3D.