The TV anime adaptation of Natsuki Takaya’s (高屋 奈月) shojo manga “Fruits Basket”(フルーツバスケット) confirmed a second season and is scheduled to premiere in spring 2020. A 7-minute PV is streamed to recapture the significant moment of the first season.
The video highlights Akito Sohma (草摩 慊人), who is voiced by Maaya Sakamoto (坂本真綾). The appearance of Sohma brings unexpected drama to the scene, and his true identity will be revealed in the second season.
Staff and Cast will reprise their roles from the first season. The series is produced by TMS Entertainment and directed by Yoshihide Ibata (井端義秀). Taku Kishimoto (岸本卓) is handling series composition, while Masaru Shindou (進藤優) is in charge of character designs.