During a live stream at the Tokyo Game Show 2020, Koei Tecmo’s upcoming RPG “Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & The Secret Fairy” is confirmed to release on the Playstation 4 & 5 and Nintendo Switch on 3rd December 2020 in Japan at JPY$8,580.
A new video featuring the theme song “Somewhen, Somewhere…” by Kuramubon is also revealed during the live stream.
▍New PV
“Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & The Secret Fairy” is set three years after the incidents of its previous game.
Ryza and her friends had gone their separate ways, but by chance and coincidence, they found each other once again. Ryza has settled inside the capital to unravel mysteries, explore “ruins”, and reveal the truth behind the “lost legends.”
According to the game’s demo at the live stream, “Atelier Ryza 2” shares a similar alchemy system with its previous game. Additional elements, such as riding on animals and looking for materials under water, are also available. Its graphics are also largely improved.