Stand My Heroes x Ace Attorney Collab Starts on May 19


Get ready to scream OBJECTION! coly’s Stand My Heroes otome mobile game is collaborating with the very popular Ace Attorney video game series starting May 19!

In the collaborative event, Ace Attorney: My Heroes, join Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth as they tackle a series of “courtroom battle” games where they will join the heroes in their quest to get to the bottom of the case.

Stand My Heroes x Ace Attorney Collab PV

Stand My Heroes x Ace Attorney Collab Gacha

The following cards can be obtained from the gacha:

SSR [OBJECTION! There’s a Contradiction!] Sosei Arakida

Stand My Heroes x Ace Attorney Collab Starts on May 19

SSR [Do You Doubt My Evidence?] Hatori Ohtani

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SSR [The Tipping Scales of Judgment] Go Miyase

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SSR [An Assistant Uproar!?] Saotome Ikuto

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SR [In the Shadow of the Photo Shoot] Kyosuke Tsuduki

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R [To Find the Truth] You Hattori

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Stand My Heroes x Ace Attorney Collab Backgrounds & Rewards

Join the collaboration event and obtain “Mr. Badger” dolls and you can get rewards such as the following!

■ Home Screen BG: Courtroom

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■ Home Screen BG: Wright and Co. Law Offices

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R [To Find the Truth] Shion Hyuuga

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SR [Today’s Regular Menu] Haru Natsume
Obtainable through: After getting 50 drop cards in total

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SR [The Aroma of Coffee] Soma Kujo
Obtainable through: After getting 100 drop cards in total

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SR [How-To Make Good Meals] Tsukasa Asagiri
Obtainable through: Reaching a certain amount of points

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Stand My Heroes x Ace Attorney Collab Event Story

If you don’t shout this word, some truths will remain hidden…
You are in a dilemma as an investigator, and you meet those people who are always in trouble! The reversal drama involving your heroes is about to begin!

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36fcFc574Ehjh2 Vu8YbV3hniwh0yR0c4lzH9RJDce4n53HRUHP1 Stand My Heroes | Japanese coly Inc. Rate: 4.7 Install
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