Hunters all over celebrate, or dreaded the new reveals from Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak‘s new trailer! The trailer revealed Gore Magala, and Espinas from Monster Hunter Frontier are making their way into Sunbreak! Capcom also announced a demo for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak will be available on June 14.
A roadmap was also released by Capcom outlining the future of Sunbreak with its future additional content, and coming first will be Lucent Nargacuga which last appeared in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, along with more subspecies in August 2022!
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is slated to be released on Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam on June 30

▍Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Demo Trailer
The Sunbreak demo is coming! Players can experience the new switch skills firsthand, and face off against the Tetranadon, Astalos, and the deadly Malzeno! The demo will be playable online with up to 4 players at a time and can be played an unlimited amount of times on June 14, 2023.
▍About Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
An Expansion to Monster Hunter Rise, Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak is the “ultimate” version of Monster Hunter Rise! With several new monsters introduced and a new master difficulty, journey to the distant kingdom of Elgado, and be ready to defend the Kingdom from the greatest threats it has ever known, the Garangolm, the Lunagaron, and the vampire-like elder dragon, Malzeno!