【Qoo@IGS2016】訪談!「Hero Shark」Developer Interviews


banner41) 可以向QooApp的讀者介紹一下自己/自己團隊嗎?
Would you mind introducing yourself/your team to the readers of QooApp?

Butterfruit Games 是一個四人團隊,1位經理,2位程式員和1位美術設計,我們都是集中開發遊戲。
Butterfruit Games is a 4-person team from Canada, 1 manager, 2 programmers and 1 artist, focused on making games.

2) 你是怎樣開始創作遊戲呢?為什麼選擇手機遊戲這個平台發展呢?
Why did you decide to enter the world of indie gaming? And why mobile games?

Because I like creating games and also like to be a part of a small team.
and why mobile games? well maybe because they are easier to develop, specially for a small team.

3) 創作遊戲方面已經有多少年經驗了?
How long have you been actually creating games?

已經有10年以上的時間了,剛開始是Flash games,後來就變成開發手機遊戲了。
It’s more than 10 years, started with Flash games, and then switched to mobile games.

4) 有什麼啟發你們要開發這遊戲嗎?為什麼要選鯊魚作主題呢?你又會怎樣去形容本作呢?
What inspired you to create this game? Why did you choose Shark as a theme? How would you describe “Hero Shark”?

Hero Shark 是一款色彩鮮艷而且爽快的遊戲,玩起來容易上手而且很具挑戰性,你可以一口氣玩幾小時,也可以只玩十多分鐘,非常有趣!
Actually it was my idea, I love the ocean and its creatures, we wanted to create a fish themed game and ended up with a shark themed game, but a good shark.
Hero Shark is a colorful and enjoyable game that is easy to play but also very challenging, You can play it for hours or just for a few minutes, it’s fun!


5) 對於現在的遊戲界有什麼想法呢?
What about your thoughts on the current state of gaming?

現在的玩家有相當多的選擇,遊戲種類亦相當多,我認為現在的玩家都很幸福啊 🙂
Gamers now have a lot of freedom of choice, a large variety of games is available and I think it’s a good time to be a gamer 🙂
the industry is changing quickly, but all signs are currently pointing toward rapid growth and expansion.
mobile gaming will grow even more as more people start using smartphones for everyday things.

6) 今後有什麼計劃嗎?
What does the future hold?

我們會繼續優化Hero Shark,之後更會推出iOS版,當然我們也開始構思下一隻新的動作遊戲。
We will continue improving Hero Shark and we will release it for iOS too, also we are working on the idea of a new action game.

C4lGrqDxmFG3kp Hero Shark ButterfruitGames Inc. :