Cygames’s Shadowverse is currently celebrating its 6th anniversary with tons of campaigns, including a pack giveaway, 6th-anniversary leaders, a limited-time story, and many other events! The campaigns will begin on June 16 and end at the end of the month.
▍Shadowverse 6th Anniversary Daily 10-Pack Giveaway
Celebrate Shadowverse’s 6th anniversary with the Daily 10-Pack Giveaway and the Leader Card Guaranteed! 10-Pack Giveaway! Head to the Shop every day during the event period and get up to 100 card packs! Card packs opened through this event will have a chance of giving leader cards from other card sets.

▍Shadowverse 6th Anniversary Leaders
6th anniversary leaders will be coming to the Shop soon! Each leader comes with a matching emblem, flair, and card sleeves! Bunny, Maiser, Drache, Kagero, Aluzard, Selena and Illganeau will be available in the Shop for 500 crystals.
Leaders can also be purchased together via the 6th Anniversary Leader Pack, priced at 400 crystals per leader, and also comes with the exclusive sleeves, “Bunny, Baron, & Aluzard, Triggers of Hope”!
And don’t worry if you miss the event! The leaders will remain available in the Shop even after the 6th Anniversary event period has concluded.

In addition, from 8:00 p.m., June 16 (PT), the limited Edge of Paradise 10 card pack bundle featuring a guaranteed leader card will go on sale! This bundle has the added feature for you to exclude leader cards you already own!

▍Shadowverse 6th Anniversary Limited-Time Story
Join the events following The Final Loop as players return to Aleister! Previous limited-time stories, The Guild War: Reconstruction and Seeds of Conflict: Sowing, will also be available for the duration of the event.

▍Shadowverse 6th Anniversary Cup
Battle your way to special rewards! The 6th Anniversary Cup differs from a standard Grand Prix in the following ways:
– Both Stage 1 and Stage 2 will have 5 rounds per day.
– There’s a small chance to get special rewards in Stages 1 and 2.
– Legendary Card Pack tickets will be available as Final Stage rewards.
Stage 1 will begin June 16!

▍Shadowverse 6th Anniversary Treasure Trove of Rupies Missions
Clear limited-time missions for a chance to win 500,000 rupies! The more missions you clear, the higher your chances!
Period: 8:00 p.m., June 16 – 1:00 p.m., June 27 (PT)
Limited-Time Missions List:
- Vote in the 6th Anniversary New Leader Poll.
- Vote in the 6th Anniversary New Legendary Card Poll.
- Play 5 matches in the 6th Anniversary Cup.
- Clear Chapter 6 of the limited-time story The Missing Star.
- Open packs from the Daily 10-Pack Giveaway 1 time.
- Open packs from the Daily 10-Pack Giveaway 5 times.
- Open packs from the Daily 10-Pack GIveaway 10 times.
- Play 1 private match (without quitting).
- Play 5 private matches (without quitting).
- Play 10 private matches (without quitting).

▍Shadowverse 6th Anniversary Popularity Poll!
In celebration of Shadowverse’s 6th anniversary, two popularity polls will be held this year! One for new leaders and another for new legendary cards! The New Leader Poll will decide which cards will become new in-game leaders.
Players will be able to cast their votes for their favorite card from each of the eight classes, choosing from a lineup of 8 cards per class. The cards that receive the most votes from players will become future leaders!
The New Legendary Card Poll will decide which Neutral characters will reappear as brand-new legendary cards. Out of a pool of 35 card characters, players will be able to vote for their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd favorite choices; the characters selected will receive 6 points, 3 points, and 1 point respectively. The two characters that receive the most points across player votes will return as future legendary cards.