WOTV FFBE Global x Final Fantasy X Collab Available Now


Square Enix announced invites players to participate in the new Final Fantasy X collaboration event, which arrives on the global server of War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius (WOTV FFBE) from today until August 2.

In this time-limited event, players can summon new units from Final Fantasy, including Yuna and Auron, as well as collect a limited-time vision card in celebration of the collaboration event. Additionally, all players can obtain the Tidus unit for free by logging in during the collaboration period! Perform up to 10x free summons and receive ten unit shards for an FFX unit guaranteed in one slot!

WOTV FFBE Global x Final Fantasy X Collab Available Now

WOTV FFBE Global x Final Fantasy X Collab PV

WOTV FFBE Global x Final Fantasy X Collab Unit

Tidus (UR) Unit 

Tidus is a mighty Water-type Ultra Rare (UR) unit, whose main job is Abes’ Star Player with sub-jobs of Paladin and Samurai.

Through his Blitz Ace Limit Burst, Tidus deals 4-Hits of damage (L) to his target. His skills are Quick-Hit and Hastega. Quick-Hit deals damage (M) to a single target and lowers the target’s CT (S) while raising his own AGI for 1 turn, while Hastega bestows Haste on allies within the area around himself for 3 turns.

Tidus is unique for having Hastega and a high ATK stat, and with his enhanced master ability, he’ll receive a higher Slash Attack Res Piercing Rate, Slash Attack Res, and Missile Attack Res.


Yuna (UR) Unit  

Yuna is a strong Light-type UR unit, whose main job is the Summoner of Spira and sub-jobs are Green Mage and Kotodama Wielder. Yuna’s Energy Ray Limit Burst deals damage (L) based on the caster’s MAG stat to targets in range & has a guaranteed hit.

Her other skills are Reraise and Holy. Reraise bestows a status effect on the target which allows the unit to automatically recover from KO status once per battle (HP recovery (Min)), and Holy is a guaranteed hit that deals Light damage (L) to targets based on the caster’s MAG stat and also bestows Reaper Killer on the caster.


Auron (UR) Unit 

Auron is a powerful Ice-type UR unit, whose main job is Legendary Guardian and sub-jobs are Pugilist and Soldier.

His Tornado Limit Burst capabilities raise his own DEF Piercing Rate for 3 turns, then deals Non-Elemental damage (L) to targets within range. His God-Killer skill can destroy any barrier that reduces physical damage on the target and can deal damage (M), while his Banishing Blade skill has a guaranteed hit and deals 2-Hits of damage (M) to targets.


WOTV FFBE Global x Final Fantasy X Collab Vision Card

Valefor vision card 

This vision card includes a Light-type esper of UR rarity. Its Evocation Magic, Energy Blast, deals a max amount of Light damage to its target and activates a Map Effect which increases the ATK and MAG of allies and greatly reduces the Light Res of enemies.


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