Dream Cycle Cosmic Horror Adventure Game Officially Launches on Steam


Raw Fury announced that Dream Cycle, the third-person action adventure, has officially moved from Early Access to the official 1.0 release! To celebrate, a 50% OFF discount is now being given to the game until August 16.

Created by Lara Croft creator Toby Gard and developer Cathuria Games with publisher Raw Fury, Dream Cycle is described as an “ever-expanding procedural adventure through a cursed, shattered dimension”, and inspired by the series of short stories of the same name by Lovecraft.

Dream Cycle Trailer

Dream Cycle Gameplay

A Harrowing Narrative Adventure
Dream Cycle is heavily inspired by Lovecraftian cosmic horror. You play as Morgan Carter, a modern-day sorceress trapped in a mysterious alternate reality. With her life fading in the waking world, Morgan must free her friend and as many others as she can from the Dreamlands before the Crawling Chaos dooms them all.

Dream Cycle Cosmic Horror ADV Officially Launches on Steam
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Dynamic & Adaptive Gameplay
With plenty of weapons, abilities, and powers at your disposal, Dream Cycle lets you truly define the way you play. Pick your favorite weapon, master the arcane, exploit your enemies’ weaknesses and find the best approach to each encounter – whether it’s full-force front assaults or silent but deadly incursions.

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Immersive World to Explore
Climb the forbidden peak of Hatheg-Kla in the stony desert, carve your way through the Perfumed Jungles of Kled, and discover forgotten palaces with veined ivory columns that sleep lovely and unbroken under the moon as you follow the footsteps of Randolph Carter and Basil Elton across the vast and mysterious Dreamlands. 

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Immersive World to Explore
An unstable realm made up of fragments of the real world, the dreamlands will change every time you visit: roll the dice and watch as the world in front of you reshapes itself. Go back to places you had already explored and face new challenges and new stories for even greater rewards.

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