Aniplex TGS 2022 Booth Highlights New World II World Smartphone RPG


At Tokyo Game Show 2022 held from September 15 to September 18, Aniplex dedicated the entire booth to the recently released RPG Time: The Legend of Wright and World II World, a new mobile RPG that is developed in cooperation with DeskWorks!

日本 索尼音樂娛樂 旗下以發行為主要業務的子公司 Aniplex,今年 9 月 15 日至 9 月 18 日在東京電玩展 2022 的實體展會中出展目前已發售之繪本 RPG《RPG TIME:光之傳說》,以及與 DeskWorks 合作推出的新作 RPG 手機遊戲《World II World》!

Aniplex TGS 2022 Booth Overview

Since it initially launched on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC platforms in March this year, RPG Time: The Legend of Wright has recently arrived on Nintendo Switch and PS4. As one of the two major exhibitions of Aniplex, the game displayed arrays of related products, as well as a demo of the Switch version. In the demo, players will follow Kenta, who dreams of becoming a game producer and began his journey through hand-painted notebooks.

日本 索尼音樂娛樂 旗下以發行為主要業務的子公司 Aniplex,今年 9 月 15 日至 9 月 18 日在東京電玩展 2022 的實體展會中出展目前已發售之繪本 RPG《RPG TIME:光之傳說》,以及與 DeskWorks 合作推出的新作 RPG 手機遊戲《World II World》!
日本 索尼音樂娛樂 旗下以發行為主要業務的子公司 Aniplex,今年 9 月 15 日至 9 月 18 日在東京電玩展 2022 的實體展會中出展目前已發售之繪本 RPG《RPG TIME:光之傳說》,以及與 DeskWorks 合作推出的新作 RPG 手機遊戲《World II World》!

On the other side of the booth, Aniplex × DeskWorks’ World II World mobile game project was previewed with three visual arts. At the same time, a display screen featuring the seven main characters was shown. The 2D sidescrolling game will be divided into two screens, where you can enjoy different stories unfold on the upper and lower screens.

In fact, the game is set in a world divided in two, meaning that the scenario is also developed separately on the upper and lower screens, with different viewpoints showcased at the same time.

Read More: Aniplex and DeskWorks! Announces World II World RPG for Smartphones

日本 索尼音樂娛樂 旗下以發行為主要業務的子公司 Aniplex,今年 9 月 15 日至 9 月 18 日在東京電玩展 2022 的實體展會中出展目前已發售之繪本 RPG《RPG TIME:光之傳說》,以及與 DeskWorks 合作推出的新作 RPG 手機遊戲《World II World》!
日本 索尼音樂娛樂 旗下以發行為主要業務的子公司 Aniplex,今年 9 月 15 日至 9 月 18 日在東京電玩展 2022 的實體展會中出展目前已發售之繪本 RPG《RPG TIME:光之傳說》,以及與 DeskWorks 合作推出的新作 RPG 手機遊戲《World II World》!

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